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Volume 6(1); December 1973
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Original Articles
Absorption and Excretion of Lead in the Healthy Japanese Population.
Horiguchi Shungichi
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):1-6.
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No abstract available.
Occupational Health Problems in Small Industries in Korea.
Kyu S Cho
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):7-16.
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No abstract available.
A Study on the Measurements of Total Body Fat in Korean Women Worker.
S D Bin, T K Ryu
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):17-26.
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For purpose of understanding of women worker's nutritional status in Korea, the author had studied on 668 workers who are working in textile industry, chemical industry, manufacture of electrical machinery and supplies, manufacture of rubber and transportation (bus-guider). Skin-fold caliper was applicated and measured five positions. As a results of this study the following conclusions were obtained : 1. The mean skin-fold thickness were ; arm : 9.08+/-3.40 mm (7.23-10.50 mm). Back : 16.23+/-5.25 mm (13.18 -17.20 mm). waist : 17.86+/-5.82 mm (13.27 -19.31 mm). abdomen : 15.45+/-5.04 mm (10.82 -16.43 mm). knee : 13.49+/-4.16 mm (10.80 -14.04 mm) . The lowest mean skin-fold thickness by age was 12.26+/-3.50 mm at 16 year-old and the highest mean skin-fold thickness was 14.57+/-5.55 mm at 19 year-old respectively. 2. Fat amounts. The lowest body fat weight was 10.77kg at 16 year-old and the highest was 12.09kg at 19 year-old, respectively, The mean body fat weight was 11.76kg. The lowest %Fat was 20.67% at 26 year-old, the highest was 23.89% at 18 year-old and the average was 22.76%, respectively. The mean FFW was 39.94kg and the lowest was 37.91kg at 17 year-old, the highest was 41.64 kg at 27 year-old. The ratio of fat weight and total body mass(FW/TBM) were 21.04% at 27 year-old 23.75% at 19 year-old and average was 22.75%, respectively. The ratio of fat free weight and total body mass(FFW/TBM) were 76.25% at 19 year-old and 78.96% at 27 year-old, respectively. The ratio fat weight and fat free weight(FW/FFW) were 27.31% at 27 year-old and 31.15% at 19 year-old. The average was 29.44%.
A study on the Status of Air and Water Pollutants Emission from Industries in Korea .
Chul Hwan Cha, Chang Supp Jang, Hyung Won Kim, Young Ja Sung
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):27-41.
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In order to provide some basic data for the control of air water pollution in Korea, the suthors have estimated the amount of air and water pollutant emitted from industries which are employed over 20 employes. This study have done from July 1, 1972 to the end March 1973. The results are as follows: 1. Total number of establishments tith over 20 employees is 5,197 in Korea and the largest gorup establishments was the manufacturing of texttiles with 1,363 establishments(26.2%). 2. By order of number of employees it was observed that there 2,800 industries with 20-59(53.9%) employees, 1,101 with 50-99(21.2%), 571 with 100-199(11.0%), 501 with 200-499(9.6%) and 225with over 500(4.3%) respectively. 3. By order of regional distribution, it was observed that there were 2,257 industries in Seoul (43.3%) and 736 industries in Pusan(14.2%). 4. Industrial coal consumption was 596,154 M/T in 1972, but it'11 be 315,000 M/T in 1980, Fuel consumption was 4,972,000 K1 in 1972, and estimated volume will be 19,3700,000 K1 in 1980. 5. Ttotal amounts of air polutants emitted from industris by fuel combustion were sulfur oxides 79,459 tons, carbon monoxide 33,908 tons, particulate 31,304 tons and hydrocarbon 30,280 tons in 1972 but in 1990 there will be sulfur oxides 1,010,474 tons, nitrogen oxides 204,575 tons, carbon monoxide 68,014 tons, particulate 64,820 tons and hydrocarbon 67,622 tons, respectively. 6. Annual emitted air pollutants through the working processes were sulfur oxides 91,250 tons and nitrogen oxides 32,485 tons in 1972, but sulfur oxieds 118,625 tons and nitrogen oxides 42,555 tons will be present in 1980, respectively. 7. Annual emitted air pollutants by national unit area amounted to 0.77 tons/km2/year in 1965 and 14.7 ton/km2/year in 1980. 8. Total industrial wastes from all industries in Korea were estimated at 810,360 tons/day in 1972; manufacturing of chemicals and plastic products showed the highest amount of wastes at 470,000 tons/day. 9. The amounts of water pollutants due to industrial wastes were the .B.O.D., 471.5 tons/day,suspended solid 331.5 tons/day, CN, 2.3 tons/day, and Cr. 3. 4 tons/day in 1972, but it might be evident of a B.O.D of 3.388 tons/day, suspended solid 2,544 tons/day, CN 20.1 tons/day, and 26.5 tons/day in 1990. 10. Total population equivalent of B.O.D. was 943,000 in 1972, and the estimated value in 1990 will be6, 780, 000.
A Study of the noise level in hospital and the Count-Measure against the noise.
Myung Ho Kim, Il WHan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):43-49.
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In this study noise source in a ward at four general hospitals in Seoul area has investigated and analysed. The degree of reaction against noise by 171 randomly has also been examined. The results of the study have shown that the source of noise is the speakers of wired broadcasting or from visiting guests in two hospitals located in residential area. The patients at the two other hospitals located at commercial site have been suffered more from traffic noise, However, because of their separated living at hospital from their ordinary houselife, sixty on percent of the inpatients have wished a music sound of around 60 dB (A). After having considered the results of the investigation and wishes of the inpatients, following suggestions have been made: 1. Reduce the number of guests or their length of stay. 2. Wired bodadcasting system should be substitued by sireless one, or if it's unavoidable, it should be used in office rooms only. 3. Since the stops and starts of vehicles induce much noise, Seoul City Government be requested to prepare an appropriate administrative measure for the vehicles around hospital area and ti should prevent the establishment of new hospitals along high way site. 4. By using earphone, inpatients can choose a wireless channel according to each individual's taste. This through the masking effect, would cover up the noise source. 5. Rooms along the streets should be utilized as offices, otherwise double windows should be set up for inpatient's wards.
A Study on Residual Hearing of Hearing Impaired Children.
Kyu Sjik Lee, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):51-63.
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This paper illustrate residual hearing and socio-medical background on the hearing impaired children, 207 coming to Deaf School, attached to Hankuk Social Work College, Tague, Korea. The survey was performed through interview with their parents and testing by diagnostic audiometer (TRIO, AS 105 type) at soundproof room from March 10, to November 28, 1973. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The attendance rate of the compulsory primary school was markedly lower tendency in female than according to directly proprotinoal to prevalence rate of deafness amont them, If was showed the deeper gap in the more superior school (middle and high school). 2) Who entered at the suitable age to each school (six years old to primary school, 12 years to middle and 15 years to high) was 11.3%. And who were enrolled in school age to each school (6-11) years for primary. 12-14 years for middle and 15-17 years for high) was 45.9% (43.7% in male, 50.0% in female). 3)As causative disease, congenital case, were 23.6% include of 13.5% of heredity and 10.1% of troubles during pregnancy ; the total acquired cases were 47.9%, it was classified as 11.6% of convulsion from any other diseases, 7.7% of measles, 7.7% of other febrile diseases, 3.4% of drug (the most of streptomycin) intoxication, 2.4% of meningitls, 1.5% of epidemic encephalitis and 31.3% of other diseases ; and unknown cases were 28.5%. 4)31.4% of who included congenital cases lost their hearing within six months old, 11.6% in 6-11 months. 9.7% n 1-2 years old and 14.0% in 2-3years old. Consequently we obtained that the most cases 90.0% were lost their hearing within 3 years after birth.
An Experimental Study on the design of the thermister thermometer.
Dork Ro Yun, Ik Su Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):65-70.
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The study in the fild of medical instrument has been out of the interest by any the life scinetist in Korea. Especially the recent developments in the medical electromics are remarkable one. Authors planned this study to ascertain the possibility of setting up the thermistor thermometer with available accessories of demetic products including some specific foreign assembly parts. By proper use of the thermistor as one of the wheatstone bridge, we could detect the resistance variations due to the environmental temperature variance. The intensive care for the bridge circuit and compensation scheme was required. The calibration procedure adopted here makes it possible to read the current as the temperature. The temperature range was determined by the examination and construction of the graph of the resistance-temperature, the reduction of excessive current and self-heating of the thermistor were made. Renovation in response-velocity was under taken too. This electronic thermometer was designed and assembled by the circuitry developed in accordance with the maximum availability of domestic products with some foreign-made parts. The result of our experiment showed very stable function and proved to be the most promising item in the actual application as long as the thermistor is concerned.
A study on the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygenation Combined with the Drug Administration in the Treatment of CO poisoning.
Dork Ro Youn, Ik Su Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):71-76.
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1)The oxygen consumption was studied with albino rate under normal environment after they were given Cytochrome C intravenously (10mg/kg). The consumption was 74.6cc/kg min. with that of control, 75.4cc/kg. min. The difference of the consumptions was not statistically significant. However, under 0.5% CO environment, the oxygen consumption of the Cytochrome C treated rats (62.5cc/kg min) was significantly greater than the control(42.1cc/kg min.) 2) The recovery time of rat acutely poisoned by 1% CO was studied. The recovery time of the Cytochirome C treated group was 37.2 minutes and in control group it was 52.2 minutes. Also significant difference of fatality was noted between the treated group(21.8%) and the untreated group(49.7%). 3) The combined effects of the hyperbaric oxygenation (100% O2 at atmospheric pressures) and the Cytochrome C administration was compared with the effect the simple hyperbaric oxygenation. There was no significant difference of recovery time between the experimental group while the fatality of the experiment group was lower than control group.
The Analysis of Covariance of Do(province) Population Variability.
Min Wong Shin
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):77-80.
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The Mechanism for sorting out the covariance effect is known as the covariance analysis. The sorting out of regression and correlation effect is an obvious application of the covariance analysis. The result of Do population by age groups (15 age interval) from 1966 census and from, 1970 Census has been applied to analyzing covariabiltiy by the analysis of covariance. The results are as follows. The significance of the regression of 1970 population on 1966 population is assured as F=116.5. There is a significant difference between mean of each age groups(F=88.1). There is very little evidence of significant heterogeneity of regression between age group. (F=0.72).
Statistical Resumption for Health Articles in One Series of Medical Journals.
Yoon Ok Ahn, Ung Ring Ko
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):81-86.
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One hundred and thirty one health articles (as "original articles") reported in medical journals published in Korea during the period form Jan. to Dec. 1971. were selected as the study materials for the purpose of resumption and criticism. Of a total of 131 articles, thirty-nine were not required the statistical application for the data processing and drawing their conclusions and ninety-two, 70.2%, were needed to apply. The 92 articles were divided into three groups by the types of study: 54 for experimental study. 30 for clinical case analytic study and 8 for field study. Each report was resumed and criticised under the statistical aspects in terms of data processing and the validity of the conclusions. The results of resumption of the 92 articles needed statistical application are summarized as follow ; 1. Of the 54 articles of experimental studies resumed, thirty-one articles, 57.4% were considered acceptable. Among the 38 articles classified as clinical case analytic and field studies, only 28.9 per cent were considered acceptable. In total 45.7 per cent or less than half were considered acceptable. 2. Types of errors encountered are as shown in Table 3. 3. The most frequently encountered error was that the conclusions were drawn without having made any statistical test. This type of error was found in 14 out of 35 errors presented in experimental studies, 11 of 35 in clinical case analytic studies and 5 of 9 in field studies and 30 out of 97, 38.2%, in total.
A study on the Physique and Bodily Strength of the Enlisted Men of Marine Corps in Korea.
Young Soo Shin
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):87-100.
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The purposeof this project is offering fundamental and proper informations for the better health control and personnel management of the enlisted men of Marine corps. Korea. Survey has been done under 1,001 marine enlisted men for the purpose of understanding their condition of physique, vital capacity, and bodily strength. 1. Under the subject of physique, 7 items, body weight, chest-girth, relative body weight, relative chest-girth, Vervaeck index, and Roethrer index are listed, and under the subject of vital capacity, BTPS vital capacity and percent predicted vital capacity are listed, and under the subject of bodily strength, 7 items, grasping power, chining-up, throwing a hanp-grenade, forward jumping, sitting-up, 100 meter sprinting, are listed. The total items are 16 and mean score of each one is as follow. 1) physique. a. Height : 168+/-0.15cm. b. Body weight : 62.7+/-0.17kg. c. Chest-grith : 91.4+/-0.16cm. d. Relative body-girth : 37.2+/-0.09. e. Relative Chest-girth : 54.3+/-0.10. f. Vervaeck index : 91.6+/-0.15. g. Roehere index : 1.31+/-0.003. 2) Vital capacity. a. BTPS vital capacity : 4470+/-20cc. b. %Predicted vital capacity : 150+/-5.1% 3) Bodily strength. a. Grasping Power : 41.4+/-0.26kg. b. Chining-up : 5.7+/-0.10. c. Throwing a hand-grenade : 39.7+/-0.20m. d. Forward jumping : 214+/-0.58cm. e. Sitting-up : 19.1+/-0.25. . Pushing-up : 22.1+/-0.18. g. 100 meter sprinting : 16.1+/-0.04sec. 2. Comparative analysis has been done about the conditional classes of marine enlisted men with the results of above mentioned 16 items. 7 classes according to the branches, 3 according to the ranks, 9 according to the length of service are adopted respectively.
Socio-medical Surveys on the Korean Residents in Japan.
Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):101-118.
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Soico-medical survey was carried out on six hundred and thirty Korean households in the cities of Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya in Japan from Nov. 1972 to Dec. 1972, and following results were obtained. 1. Age distribution of households showed the highest occurrence in the group of 40 to 49 years of age in the both sexes. Families with five members showed highest occurrence, and the average number of familial members was 5.7 persons per one household. 2. More than half of the householders were some independent enterprisers rather than to be the employees and most of the households had one familial member engaged in more or less liberal profession. 3. 19.4% of households moved into these cities form 1941 to 1945. 4. 40.5% of all the households had their own houses. The possession rate of noe's own house was higher in the households which had long period of residence in Japan. 5. 83.5% of all household had various medical insurance. And the 6.2% of the household which had no insurance stated that the reason for not being affiliated was "because to be the foreigner". Household of shorter dwelling period had less tendency to be affiliated to the various insurances. 6. In 41.3% of all the households, average medical expenditure amounted to 1000-5000Yen per month. And only 25.6% of household stated that they do not worry about the medical expenditure for the futures. 7. 66.3% of households were consulting to medical doctors for their sickness, such as toothache, severe coughing, porfuse sputum., children's fever and stomach pain etc. 8. 59.4% of households were using the facilities of health center services. The health center service was used mainly for individual health service rather than the environmental aspect. And 19.8% of households were not aware of health center activities. 9. It was found that 23.5% of households received the screening test of the adult diseases showed as following; stomach cancer, 8.9%; hypertension, 7.9% ; diabetes mellitus, 2.1% ; and uterus cancer, 1.6%. 10. Birth control was carried out in 17,3% of households but not in 52.5%. The chief reason of birth control was "because of poor maternal health" (40.4%) or " should no be done"(5.4%). 11. Most of them are obtaining the knowledges and information on family plannings, public nuisance problems and nutritions etc. by means of the mass communications, while those on preventing diseases and the environmental hygiene through the administrative organizations.
A Study on Tuberculin in an Urban Primary School.
T K Park, I S Kim, B B Youn
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):119-132.
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No abstract available.
A Basic Community Health Survey in Rural Korea(Soyang-Myun).
Sung Yul Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1973;6(1):133-150.
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1. Instruction. Community medicine with the concept of comprehensive medical care and an ideal medical care delivery system not only for an individual or family but for the whole community has emerged. In April 1970, the Presbyterian Medical Center started a hospital based community health service project on order to improve the health of the people in rural areas. Prior to commencing a comprehensive medical care system, a family survey was meeded. The major objective of this survey was to obtain information concerning the people and their environment so as to be able to plan and implement a comprehensive medical care program in Soyang-Myum. 2. Survey Method. An interview using a family record form was carried out for each household. This family record form was designed to get information about demography, family planning, environmental sanitation and vital statistics. Prior to beginning, the members of the survey team were trained in interviewing technique for three days. The team consisted of a public health nurse, four nurse-aides, a asnitarian and four health extension workers who are working in our project. The survey was carried out during the period November 1971 to March 1972. 3. Project area. 1) Population of Soyang-Myum was 11,668 ; male, 5,962 and female, 5,706. Sex ratio : 104.5. 2) Households : 1,858. 3) Family size : The average household consisted of 6.3 persons. 4) Education level of householder. a. Illiterate 13%. b. No schooling but able to read 10%. c. Preschool Children 19%. d. Primary School 47%. e. Middle School 7%. f. High School 3%. g. College or University 1%. 5) Occupational distribution of householders. a. Farmer 67%. b. Laborer 13%. c. Office worker 4%. d. Merchant 4%. e. Industrial worker 2%, f. Unemployed 8%, g. Miscellaneous 2%, 6) Religious affiliation. a. No religion 74%, b. Buddhist 12%, c. Protestant 10%, d. Catholic 4%. 4. Survey results. Living Environment : a. Home ownership 95%, b. Kinds of roofing. Straw-thatched house 84%, Tile-roofed house 10%, Slate-roofed house 5%, Other 1%. c. Floor space, Less than 6 pyong 10%, 6-10 pyong 53%, 1-15 pyong 24%, 16-20 pyong 9%, More than 20 pyong 4%, d. Radio ownership 80%. Environment : a. the source of drinking water. public well 49%, private well 30%, drainage water 9%, steam water 8%, well pump 3%, water distribution system 1%, b. Distance between well and toilet. more than 16 meter 38%, 6-10 meter 31%, 11-15 meter 14%, Less than 6 meter 17%. c. The status of well management. Bad 72%, Fair 26%, Good 12%. d. General sanitary of well management. Bad 37%, Fair 51%, Good 12%. e. House drainage system. had no house drainage 77%. Family Planning : a. 24% of the people have used contraceptives, but 12% ceased to use them. 76% have never used contraceptives. b. used methods. loop 68%, oral pill 16%, vasectomy 4%, condom 1%, tubal ligation 1%, two or more methods 10%. Maternal Health : a. The number of conceptions of housewives under 50 years of age. 11 times 26%, 6 times 11%, 5 times 11%, 4 times 9%. b. The place of delivery. own house 88%, hospital 1%, others 11%, Treatment of general sickness. a. The place of treatment, Soyang Health Center 31%, Hospital(Private or otherwise) 26%, Pharmacy 14%, Herb medicine 5%, Private care 5%, No treatment 12%, Miscellancous 7%. b. Usual causes of disease. Unknown 46%, Tuberculosis 29%, Neuralgia 8%, CVA 3%, Bronchitis 3%, Others 11%.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health