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Original Article Socio-medical Study on Gonorrhoea with Special References of Prevalence, PPNG and Antibiotic Resistance.
Seong Ho Lee, In Dam Hwang, Young Soo Park, Dai Ha Koh
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1983;16(1):41-50
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Jeonbug National University Medical School, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Korea.
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The incidence of sexually transmitted disease, especially gonorrhoea has risen despite the progress in its diagnosis and treatment. For the effective control programs of sexually transmitted disease, it should be required socio-medical approaches. A study on gonorrhoea and penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoea (PPNG) was conducted in Jeonju and Kunsan area from March, 1982 through August, 1982. The 221 entertrainers were studied in order to determine the prevalences of gonorrhoea and PPNG. Socio-demographic informations of the entertainers were obtained by interviewing them. Gonococci were cultured on Thayer-Martin enrichment media for isolation, and PPNG was confirmed using beta-lactamase reagent(PADAC(tm) Beta-Lactamase Test Strips, Galbiochem-Behring). The results of the study are summarized as follows; 1. The average age of the entertainers studied was 26.1+/-4.7 years. 2. The average years of working in entertaining business was 2.4+/-1.4 years, and the average income per month was 239,592+/-90,480 won. On the education level, 70.6% of the entertainers were middle or high school graduates. 3. 47.5% of the entertainers were using contraceptives. 90.5% have experienced artificial abortion. 4. 37(16.7%) out of 221 entertainers were revealed to gonorrhoea, and 13(35.1%) of gonorrhoea patients were by PPNG. 5. The prevalence rates of gonorrhoea and the proportion of PPNG by age were not significant statistically. Meanwhile, the colelations between the rates of gonorrhoea and education, frequency of love-making with customers and type of sexual partner were highly significant statistically. 6. 37 strains of gonococci isolated were almost resistant to several antimicrobial agents, especially amikacin, clindamycin and chloramphenicol. Furthermore PPNG strains were completely resistant to not only above drugs but also penicillin.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health