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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 19(1); 1986 > Article
Original Article A Study on the Positivity of HBsAg in Urban, Rural and Coastal Area.
Seok Joon Sohn
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1986;19(1):45-55
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Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical School, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea.
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It is well known that Korea is one of the endemic area for type B viral hepatitis. A screening test for HBsAg by RPHA method was performed to evaluate the prevalence of HBsAg among urban, rural and coastal area population during the period between Jan. 1985 and Aug. 1985. The results obtained are as follows; 1) The HBsAg was detected in 242 among 2,849 with positive rate of 8.49%. The positive rate by sex showed higher rate in males(9.07%) than females(6.79%) for HBsAg. But these differences by sex were not statistically significant. 2) By living area, the positivity of HBsAg was 8.67% in urban, 7.43% in rural and 8.37% in coastal area. But the differences were not statistically significant. 3) The positivity differences of HBsAg were significantly observed between male(9.26%) and female(6.44%) in urban area. But there was not in rural and coastal area. 4) The positivity was the highest in 4th decade in urban area. But 6th decade in rural and 4th and 5th decade in coastal area. Generally the positivity of HBsAg was more prevalent in young age and decreasing by the age increasing in the male. But in the female it was most common in 6th decade. 5) Evaluated SGOT(>40 Unit) was significantly higher in HBsAg positive group(13.6%) than in HBsAg negative group(3.4%).

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health