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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 25(4); 1992 > Article
Original Article Social support and phychosocial distress among white-collar workers.
Bong Suk Cha, Sei Jin Chang, Jong Ku Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1992;25(4):429-447
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Department of Preventive Medicine Institute of Occupational Medicinem Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Kroea.

The effects and roles of social support and stressors (stressful life events and chronic strains) on psychosocial distress were examined in a model with data from a sample of the white-collar workers (N = 416) in Korea. The findings of this study present that mean levels of psychosocial distress were higher' in the female, youth, unmarried and divorced, and low economic status (monthly income). The analysis also shows that, as expected, stressful life and chronic strains as stressors are positively related to occurrence of psychosocial distress, and social support is negatively related to psychosocial distress. Further, the contribution of social support to predicting psychosocial distress is greater in magnitude than that of stressful events, chronic strains, and sociodemographic variables. There is no evidence that social support buffers the impacts of stressors on psychosocial distress, rather social support takes a role of main or direct effects on psychosocial distress. Therefore, the strength of the social support is an important and meaningful strategy to prevent from stress and mental, physical illness.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health