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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 33(2); 2000 > Article
Original Article Measuring the Burden of Major Cancers due to Premature Death in Korea.
Seok Jun Yoon, Yong Ik Kim, Chang Yup Kim, Hyejung Chang
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2000;33(2):231-238
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1Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Dankook University.
2Department of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
3Korea Health Industry Development Institute.

To estimate the burden of diseases in Korea especially caused by major cancers using the YLL(years of life lost due to premature death) measurement. METHODS: First, we determined the parameters: such as age-specific standard life expectancy, age on death, sex, cause of death by analyzing the national death certificate data and life table collected during 1996 provided by the National Statistical Office. Secondly, we estimated the age group-specific YLL by employing standard expected years of life lost(SEYLL). Thirdly, final burden of disease due to premature death was estimated by using YLLs measurement which developed by global burden of disease study group. RESULTS: The burden of premature death by cancer for male was attributed mainly to liver cancer(514.5 person-year), stomach cancer(436.4 person-year), and lung cancer(367.7 person-year). Each of these cancers was responsible for the loss of over 100 person-year based on our YLL measurement. The burden of premature death by cancer for female was attributed mainly to liver cancer(135.1 person-year), stomach cancer(252.1 person-year), and lung cancer(121.8 person-year). Each of these cancers was responsible for the loss of over 100 person year based on our YLL measurement. CONCLUSION: We found the YLL method employed in this study was appropriate to quantify the burden of premature death. Thereby, it would provide a rational bases to plan a national health policy regarding premature death caused by cancer.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health