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Evaluation Studies The Factors Implicated When an Individual Starts to Smoke Again After a 6 Month Cessation.
Hyo Kyung Son, Un Young Jung, Ki Soo Park, Sin Kam, Sun Kyun Park, Won Kee Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2009;42(1):42-48
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1Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
2Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
3Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, and Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea.
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This study was conducted to examine the factors implicated when people start smoking again after a 6 month cessation, and was carried out at the smoking cessation clinic of a public health center. METHODS: The study subjects were 191 males who had attended the smoking cessation clinic of a public health center for 6 months in an attempt to quit smoking. Data was collected, by phone interview, regarding individual smoking habits, if any, over the 6 month study period. The factors which may have caused an individual to smoke again were examined. This study employed a health belief model as it theoretical basis. RESULTS: Following a 6 month cessation, 24.1% of the study group began to smoke again during the 6 month test period. In a simple analysis, the factors related to individuals relapsing and smoking again included barriers of stress reduction, body weight gain and induction of smoking by surroundings among perceived barriers factor of our health belief model (p<0.05). In multiple logistic regression analysis for relapsed smoking, significant factors included barriers of stress reduction and induction of smoking by surroundings (p<0.05). The most important reason of for an individual to relapse into smoking was stress (60.9%) and the most likely place for a relapse to occur was a drinking establishment (39.1%). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that both regular consultations and a follow-up management program are important considerations in a public health center program geared towards maintaining smoking cessation.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health