- The Prevalence of High Myopia in 19 Year-Old Men in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongsangnam-Do.
Sang Joon Lee, Sang Hwa Urm, Byeng Chul Yu, Hae Sook Sohn, Young Seoub Hong, Maeng Seok Noh, Yong Hwan Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2011;44(1):56-64.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.2011.44.1.56
The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and correlated factors of high myopia in 19 year-old men in Southeast Korea. METHODS: This retrospective study was based on the medical checkup data of conscription during 2005. The study subjects were 19 years old men in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongsangnam-do. The health checkup data of the conscripts consisted of noncycloplegic autorefraction test, the biometric data and social factors. To analyze the social and biometric effects, we classified the biometric factors into 4 or 5 groups and the social factors into 3 groups. High myopia was defined as a spherical equivalent of under -6.0 diopter. Data analysis was performed using the chi square test for trends and multiple logistic regression analysis. The SAS(version 9.1) program was used for all the analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of high myopia was 12.39% (6256 / 50 508). The factors correlated with high myopia were the residence area (OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.77 to 2.4 for small city; OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.72 to 2.34 for metropolis; the reference group was rural area), academic achievement (OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.34 to 1.53 for students of 4-and 6-year-course university; the reference group was high school graduates & under) and blood pressure (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.10 to 2.16 for hypertension; OR, 1.09; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.17 for prehypertension; OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.20 for hypotension; the reference group was normal blood pressure). CONCLUSIONS: More than one tenth of the young men were high myopia as one of the risk factor for visual loss. Further studies on high myopia and its complications are needed to improve eye health in Southeast Korea.
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Yossy Machluf, Asaf Israeli, Eduardo Cohen, Yoram Chaiter, Eedy Mezer Eye.2024; 38(8): 1485. CrossRef - Myopic Vascular Changes Revealed by Optical Tomography Angiography and Their Association with Myopic Fundus Manifestations
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Ian G Morgan, Kathryn A Rose Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics.2013; 33(3): 329. CrossRef - Annual Changes in Refractive Errors and Ocular Components before and after the Onset of Myopia in Chinese Children
Fan Xiang, Mingguang He, Ian G. Morgan Ophthalmology.2012; 119(7): 1478. CrossRef - Optic Disc Torsion Direction Predicts the Location of Glaucomatous Damage in Normal-Tension Glaucoma Patients with Myopia
Hae-Young L. Park, Kook Lee, Chan Kee Park Ophthalmology.2012; 119(9): 1844. CrossRef - Epidemiologic Characteristics of Intraocular Pressure in the Korean and Mongolian Populations: The Healthy Twin and the GENDISCAN Study
Mi Kyeong Lee, Sung-Il Cho, Ho Kim, Yun-Mi Song, Kayoung Lee, Jong-Il Kim, Dong-Myung Kim, Tae-Young Chung, Youn Sic Kim, Jeong-Sun Seo, Don-Il Ham, Joohon Sung Ophthalmology.2012; 119(3): 450. CrossRef - Refractive Surgery for Accommodative Esotropia: Past, Present, and Future
Amy K. Hutchinson European Journal of Ophthalmology.2012; 22(6): 871. CrossRef
- Reliability and Data Integration of Duplicated Test Results Using Two Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis Machines in the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study.
Boyoung Park, Jae Jeong Yang, Ji Hyun Yang, Jimin Kim, Lisa Y Cho, Daehee Kang, Chol Shin, Young Seoub Hong, Bo Youl Choi, Sung Soo Kim, Man Suck Park, Sue K Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(6):479-485.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.2010.43.6.479
The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES), a multicenter-based multi-cohort study, has collected information on body composition using two different bioelectrical impedence analysis (BIA) machines. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of whether the test values measured from different BIA machines can be integrated through statistical adjustment algorithm under excellent inter-rater reliability. METHODS: We selected two centers to measure inter-rater reliability of the two BIA machines. We set up the two machines side by side and measured subjects' body compositions between October 2007 and December 2007. Duplicated test values of 848 subjects were collected. Pearson and intra-class correlation coefficients for inter-rater reliability were estimated using results from the two machines. To detect the feasibility for data integration, we constructed statistical compensation models using linear regression models with residual analysis and R-square values. RESULTS: All correlation coefficients indicated excellent reliability except mineral mass. However, models using only duplicated body composition values for data integration were not feasible due to relatively low R2 values of 0.8 for mineral mass and target weight. To integrate body composition data, models adjusted for four empirical variables that were age, sex, weight and height were most ideal (all R2>0.9). CONCLUSIONS: The test values measured with the two BIA machines in the KoGES have excellent reliability for the nine body composition values. Based on reliability, values can be integrated through algorithmic statistical adjustment using regression equations that includes age, sex, weight, and height.
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- Nutritional Consequences and Management After Gastrectomy
Jae-Moon Bae Hanyang Medical Reviews.2011; 31(4): 254. CrossRef
- Blood Mercury Concentration and Related Factors in an Urban Coastal Area in Korea.
Eun Mi Jo, Byoung Gwon Kim, Yu Mi Kim, Seung Do Yu, Chang Hun You, Joon Youn Kim, Young Seoub Hong
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):377-386.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.2010.43.5.377
This study was carried out for the purpose of evaluating the blood mercury concentration of the residents of Busan, Korea, as well as the relationship between the mercury concentration and the pattern of fish consumption along with other epidemiological factors. METHODS: Two hundred ninety-three subjects (147 men and 146 women), who were aged 40 years or more, were recruited into this study between June and October 2009. The mean age of the subjects was 54.3 years (with a range of 40-70 years). Mercury concentrations in blood samples were measured using a gold-amalgam collection method. RESULTS: The geometric mean concentration of mercury in the total subjects was 8.63 microgram/L [range: 1.48~45.71 microgram/L]. The blood mercury concentration of the men (9.55 microgram/L) was significantly higher than that of the women (7.76 microgram/L). The blood mercury concentration of those who eat fish more than 4 times per week was higher than others, and was statistically significant (male p = 0.0019, female p = 0.0002). According to the multiple analysis, the blood mercury concentration was significantly affected by the consumed fish but other epidemiological factors were not related. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that the subjects who have consumed a large amount of fish may have high blood mercury concentration. It appears that fish consumption can influence blood mercury concentration. Therefore, guidelines for fish consumption that will decrease blood mercury concentration might be necessary in Korea.
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- Assessment of Lead and Mercury Exposure Levels in the General Population of Korea Using Integrated National Biomonitoring Data
Jeong-Wook Seo, Young-Seoub Hong, Byoung-Gwon Kim International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(13): 6932. CrossRef - Association of Blood Mercury Level with the Risk of Depression According to Fish Intake Level in the General Korean Population: Findings from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008–2013
Kyung Won Kim, Sundara Raj Sreeja, Minji Kwon, Ye Lee Yu, Mi Kyung Kim Nutrients.2020; 12(1): 189. CrossRef - Determination of Mercury Daily Intake and Hair-to-Blood Mercury Concentration Ratio in People Resident of the Coast of the Persian Gulf, Iran
Narjes Okati, Abbas Esmaili-sari Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2018; 74(1): 140. CrossRef - Is mercury exposure causing diabetes, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance? A systematic review of the literature
Cynthia Roy, Pierre-Yves Tremblay, Pierre Ayotte Environmental Research.2017; 156: 747. CrossRef - Biomonitoring in California Firefighters
Dina Dobraca, Leslie Israel, Sandra McNeel, Robert Voss, Miaomiao Wang, Ryszard Gajek, June-Soo Park, Suhash Harwani, Frank Barley, Jianwen She, Rupali Das Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2015; 57(1): 88. CrossRef - A Study on Mercury Exposure Levels among Schoolchildren and Related Factors in High Mercury Exposure Areas in Korea
Dae Seon Kim, Young Min Kwon, Hee-Ung Chung, Sang Hoon Nam, Seung Do Yu Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2015; 41(4): 231. CrossRef - Mercury Exposure Factors among Residents in the Highly Mercury Exposed Area, Seoksan-ri, Korea
Dae Seon KIM, Young Min Kwon, Hee-Ung Chung, Kyunghee CHOI Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2015; 41(5): 349. CrossRef - Global methylmercury exposure from seafood consumption and risk of developmental neurotoxicity: a systematic review
Mary C Sheehan, Thomas A Burke, Ana Navas-Acien, Patrick N Breysse, John McGready, Mary A Fox Bulletin of the World Health Organization.2014; 92(4): 254. CrossRef - Population correlates of circulating mercury levels in Korean adults: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey IV
Seongbeom Cho, David R Jacobs, Kyong Park BMC Public Health.2014;[Epub] CrossRef - Bone mineral density and blood metals in premenopausal women
A.Z. Pollack, S.L. Mumford, J. Wactawski-Wende, E. Yeung, P. Mendola, D.R. Mattison, E.F. Schisterman Environmental Research.2013; 120: 76. CrossRef - Correlation between Hair Mercury Concentration and Blood Total Mercury in Several Area Residents
Gyeong-Yeon Kim, Jeong-Wook Seo, Byoung-Gwon Kim, Yu-Mi Kim, Rock-Bum Kim, Dae-Seon Kim, Jung-Man Kim, Choon-Jin Kim, Young-Seoub Hong Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2013; 39(2): 117. CrossRef - Dietary Nutrient and Food Intake and Their Relations with Serum Heavy Metals in Osteopenic and Osteoporotic Patients
Myung-Hwa Kang, Seung-Mi Park, Doo-Nam Oh, Mi-Hyun Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi Clinical Nutrition Research.2013; 2(1): 26. CrossRef - Measures for a closer-to-real estimate of dietary exposure to total mercury and lead in total diet study for Koreans
Eunmi Koh, Hyehyung Shin, Miyong Yon, Ji Woon Nam, Yoonna Lee, Dohee Kim, Jeeyeon Lee, Meehye Kim, Sung-Kug Park, Hoon Choi, Cho-il Kim Nutrition Research and Practice.2012; 6(5): 436. CrossRef - The Relationship between Fish Consumption and Blood Mercury Levels in Residents of Busan Metropolitan City and Gyeongnam Province
Chan Woo Kim, Young Wook Kim, Chang Ho Chae, Jun Seok Son, Ja Hyeon Kim, Hyoung Ouk Park, Yune-Sik Kang, Jang-Rak Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Dae-Seon Kim, Baek Geun Jeong Journal of agricultural medicine and community health.2012; 37(4): 223. CrossRef - Analysis of Methylmercury Concentration in the Blood of Koreans by Using Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
Byoung-Gwon Kim, Eun-Mi Jo, Gyeong-Yeon Kim, Dae-Seon Kim, Yu-Mi Kim, Rock-Bum Kim, Byung-Seong Suh, Young-Seoub Hong Annals of Laboratory Medicine.2012; 32(1): 31. CrossRef - Blood Heavy Metal Concentrations of Korean Adults by Seafood Consumption Frequency: Using the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV), 2008
Young A Kim, Young-Nam Kim, Kyung-Dong Cho, Mi Young Kim, Eun Jin Kim, Ok-Hee Baek, Bog-Hieu Lee The Korean Journal of Nutrition.2011; 44(6): 518. CrossRef - Relationship Between Blood Mercury Concentration and Waist-to-Hip Ratio in Elderly Korean Individuals Living in Coastal Areas
Chang-Hun You, Byoung-Gwon Kim, Jung-Man Kim, Seung-Do Yu, Yu-Mi Kim, Rock-Bum Kim, Young-Seoub Hong Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2011; 44(5): 218. CrossRef
- The Association of Central Obesity with Type 2 Diabetes among Koreans according to the Serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Level: Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study.
Ji Yeon Shin, Jun Hyun Hwang, Jin Young Jeong, Sung Hi Kim, Jai Dong Moon, Sang Chul Roh, Young Wook Kim, Yangho Kim, Jong Han Leem, Young Su Ju, Young Seoub Hong, Eun Hee Ha, Yong Hwan Lee, Duk Hee Lee, Dong Hyun Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2009;42(6):386-391.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.2009.42.6.386
This cross-sectional study was performed to examine if the serum gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) level that is within its normal range is associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes and if the association between the waist hip ratio (WHR) and type 2 diabetes is different depending on the serum GGT levels. METHODS: The study subjects were 23,436 persons aged 40 years or older and who participated in regular health check-ups at 11 hospitals (males: 5,821, females: 17,615). The gender-specific quintiles of the serum GGT and WHR were used to examine the associations with type 2 diabetes. RESULTS: The serum GGT levels within their normal range were positively associated with type 2 diabetes only in women. The adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were 1.0, 1.0, 1.4, 2.1, and 2.5 according to the quintiles of the serum GGT (p(trend)<0.01). The WHR was more strongly associated with the prevalence of diabetes among the women with a high-normal serum GGT level as compared with those with a low-normal serum GGT level (p for interaction=0.02). For example, the adjusted ORs for women with a low normal serum GGT level were 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.2, and 2.4 according to the quintiles of the WHR, while those figures were 1.0, 2.4, 3.6, 5.0, and 8.3 among the women with a high normal serum GGT level. However, in men, the serum GGT was very weakly associated with type 2 diabetes and the association between the WHR and type 2 diabetes was not different depending on the serum GGT level. CONCLUSIONS: Serum GGT within its normal range was positively associated with type 2 diabetes, and central obesity was more strongly associated with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes when the serum GGT level was high-normal. However, these associations were observed only in women, which is different from the previous findings. The stronger relation between central obesity and type 2 diabetes among women with a high-normal serum GGT level can be useful for selecting a group that is at high risk for type 2 diabetes irregardless of whatever the underlying mechanism is.
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- Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase and risk of type 2 diabetes in the general Korean population: a Mendelian randomization study
Youn Sue Lee, Yoonsu Cho, Stephen Burgess, George Davey Smith, Caroline L. Relton, So-Youn Shin, Min-Jeong Shin Human Molecular Genetics.2016; 25(17): 3877. CrossRef - Different associations between obesity and impaired fasting glucose depending on serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels within normal range: a cross-sectional study
Nam Soo Hong, Jeong-Gook Kim, Yu-Mi Lee, Hyun-Woo Kim, Sin Kam, Keon-Yeop Kim, Ki-Su Kim, Duk-Hee Lee BMC Endocrine Disorders.2014;[Epub] CrossRef - Endobiogeny: A Global Approach to Systems Biology (Part 1 of 2)
Jean-Claude, Lapraz, Kamyar M. Hedayat Global Advances in Health and Medicine.2013; 2(1): 64. CrossRef
- The Relationship between ACE I/D Polymorphism and HDL Cholesterol.
Chang Hun You, Young Seoub Hong, Jong Young Kwak, Na Young Kim, Mee Sook Roh, Kap Yeol Jung, Yong Hwan Lee, Jung Man Kim, Joon Youn Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(6):505-510.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the association of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism with cardiovascular disease risk factors. METHODS: Out of a total of 608 middle-aged adults who visited local health centers, 424 subjects (104 male, 320 female) who had not been diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or hyperlipidemia were included in this study. ACE genotypes were determined in all subjects by polymerase chain reaction methods. RESULTS: Statistical differences in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels according to ACE genotype were observed using ANOVA (p<0.05), but no differences were found in other cardiovascular risk factors. Specifically, men with the DD and DI genotypes had significantly lower HDL cholesterol levels than those with the II genotype based on the LSD multi-comparison test (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In men, the D-allele of the ACE I/D polymorphism was significantly associated with reduced HDL cholesterol levels. In the future, larger studies are needed to confirm this relationship between ACE I/D polymorphism and HDL cholesterol.
- The Relationship between Regional Material Deprivation and the Standardized Mortality Ratio of the Community Residents Aged 15-64 in Korea.
Baek Geun Jeong, Kap Yeol Jung, Joon Youn Kim, Ok Ryun Moon, Yong Hwan Lee, Young Seoub Hong, Tae Ho Yoon
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(1):46-52.
This study was performed to investigate the relationship between regional material deprivation and the standardized mortality ratios(SMRs) of community residents aged 15-64 in Korea. METHODS: SMRs were investigated using the registered death data from 1995 to 2000 that was obtained from the Korean National Statistics Office with the denominators being drawn from the 1995 to 2000 census. Material deprivation was measured using the Townsend score that was calculated from the 1995 to 2000 census. The relationship between the regional material deprivation and the SMRs of the community residents aged 15-64 was investigated by using ANOVA, Spearman's rank correlation analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis. The trends in mortality inequality were investigated using the concentration index. RESULTS: On the ANOVA, the SMRs of the men and women residents in the least deprived areas were the smallest and those in the most deprived areas were the largest. Spearman's rank correlation analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis and the concentration index revealed that significant positive relationships exist between the regional material deprivation and the SMRs of the community residents aged 15-64. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that there are mortality inequalities among the communities in Korea and part of this difference is due to the material deprivation of the community. Strategies aimed at reducing mortality inequalities among the communities will be needed to address economic inequalities. Further studies are needed to explore the mechanisms of how the regional deprivation influences on health and how the other factors of the community influence on the health of the community residents.
- Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Waist Circumference Estimation in Some Korean Adults.
Young Seoub Hong, Byoung Gwon Kim, Baek Geun Jeong, Yong Woo Park, Jong Tae Park, Kap Yeol Jung, Joon Youn Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2004;37(1):51-58.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, as defined by the ATP III report, in some Korean adults and use the Asian-Pacific proposed waist circumference to investigate waist circumference in some Korean adults using ROC curves. METHODS: Study subjects were seventy-five thousands and ninety one persons (47, 979 men and 27, 111 women) who were selected among the patients who visited hospital for health evaluation from January 2000 to December 2001. All subjects were measured by height, weight, waist and hip circumferences, blood pressure and blood chemistry (lipid profile). RESULTS: The mean age was 41.6+/-8.5 years in men, 41.1+/-10.4 years in women (p< 0.05). Body mass index was in the normal range in 35.3% of men, and 55.9% of women. In both men and women, blood pressure, blood sugar, total cholesterol and triglyceride were positively correlated with BMI. waist circumference, and Broca's index (p< 0.01). However HDL. choloesterol was correlated negatively (p< 0.01). Using ROC curve, the calculated waist circumferences were 84 cm in men (sensitivity 61.4% and specificity 64.1%) and 74 cm in women (sensitivity 65.0% and specificity 73.2%). The age adjusted prevalences of the metabolic syndrome as defined by NCEP ATP III were different for men (6.4%) and women (14.6%). The prevalence increased from 1.2% among participants aged 20 through 29years to 15.0% among participants aged over 60years in men (p< 0.05) and from 1.6% to 27.4% respectively, in women. The age adjusted prevalences, as defined by using the waist circumference that was recommended by WHO's regional office for the western Pacific, were 10.6% in men and 18.5% in women. The age adjusted prevalences, as defined by using the waist circumference that was calculated by the ROC curves, were 17.1% in men and 22.4% in women. And All prevalences were increased following increased BMI and Broca's index. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in some Korean adults was lower than that in western adults. Nevertheless because waist circumference was differed among race and region, application of the same criteria was not proper. Morcover, a higher awareness was required in women, because the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was rapidly increased with increment of age.
- Nephropathy in Chronic Lead Poisoning.
Byoung Gwon Kim, Sung Ryul Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Seo Hee Rha, Jung Man Kim, Kap Yull Jung, Joon Youn Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(1):43-50.
- We experienced a case of nephropathy in chronic lead poisoning. The patient was 43-year-old male who has been working in secondary lead smelting plant for ]4 years. On admission, blood pressure was 160/90 mmHg and the others were non-specific. In past history, he received chelating agent administration for lead poisoning irregularly and medicated for gout, and the blood lead concentration was 180.0 microgram/dl on 2 months before admission. Smoking habit has been 1 pack per day for 15 years and drinking habit has been 1 bottle of Soju per day but less now. In liver function test, AT/ALT were 27/28 IU/l and gamma-GT was 456 IU/l. In blood test, Hb:11. 5 g/dl , Hct: 34.0% and basophilic stipplings were found in peripheral blood smear. Chest PA was normal and abdominal ultrasonographic finding was non-specific except fatty liver. In the test of lead exposure indices, pbB: 83.0 microgram/dl, pbU: 28.3 microgram/l, and blood ZPP was 300.0 microgram/dl. And in renal function test, BUN: 31.4 mg/dl, blood creatinine: 2.7mg/dl, blood uric acid: 9.1 mg/dl, urinary albumin: 100.0 mg/g creatinine, urinary a alpha 1-microglobulin: 120.5 mg/g creatinine, urinary beta2-mioroglobulin: 183.8 microgram/g creatinine, and 24 hours urinary creatinine clearance was 31.9 ml/min. The ultasonoguided renal biopsy showed the global sclerosis of glomerulus, moderate atrophy and loss of tubule, and interstitial fibrosis in light microscopy. There were diffuse losses of brush border of proximal tubule in electronmicroscopy.
- Multiple Brain Calcification in Chronic Lead Poisoning.
Sung Ryul Kim, Byoung Gwon Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Do Won Dam, Soon Seob Choi, Kap Yull Jung, Joon Youn Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):398-405.
- We experienced a case of occupational lead poisoning employed in a secondary lead smelting plant for 12 years. The patient was 39-year-old male and had been felt dizziness, recent memory impairment and intermittent severe abdominal pain for 2 years. On admission, blood lead level was 92.9 microgram/dl, urinary lead level was 19,9 microgram/l and zinc protoporphyrin level was 226.0 microgram/dl. On the blood test, hemoglobin was 10.6 g/dl and showed normocytic normochromic anemia. There were no abnormal findings in the biochemical and hormonal tests. Decrease of I.Q. and use of words in speaking were found in the psychiatric and psychologic examinations. We observed the finding of motor polyneuropathy in the nerve conduction velocity test. Computed tomographic finding showed calcification lesions in the basal ganglia, dentate nuclei, caudate nuclei, and especially characteristic multiple calcifications were located in the subcortical white matter.
- Study on the Pulmonary Function in Welding Fume Exposed Workers.
Young Seoub Hong, Byoung Gwon Kim, Sung Ryul Kim, Do Won Dam, Jung Man Kim, Kap Yull Jung, Joon Youn Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(1):43-58.
- In order to study the effect of welding fume exposure upon the pulmonary function test, we examined 131 shielded arc welding workers, and 152 CO2 arc welding workers as cases and 172 control workers for their general characteristics, and forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1.0) forced expiratory volume in one second as a percent of FVC(FEV1.0%), and maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMF) were obtained from in the spirogram. In shielded arc welding group and CO2 arc welding group, FVC, FEV1.0, FEV1.0%, and MMF were significantly decreased than control group, especially marked in the MMF finding. The distribution of workers below normal range was as follows: in the shielded arc welding group, 2 workers(l.5%) for FVC, 17 workers(13.0%) for FEV1.0, 5 workers(3.8%) for FEV1.0%, 28 workers(21.4%) for MMF, and in the CO2 arc welding group, 3 workers(2.0%) for FVC, 25 workers(16.4%) for FEV1.0, 8 workers(5.3%) for FEV1.0% and 37 workers(24.3%) for MMF, and significant increase by exposure duration was found in MMF. The distribution of workers who had ventilation impairment was as follows: 5 workers(3.8%) for obstructive type, 2 workers(l.5%) for restrictive type in the shielded arc welding group and, workers(4.6%) for obstructive type. 2 workers(l.3%) for restriotive type, and 1 worker(0.6%) was combined type of the CO2 arc welding group. In the respect of these results the significant pulmonary function and ventilatory impairment were observed in welding fume exposed workers who had not abnormal finding in chest X-ray, and MMF considered as the most sensitive pulmonary function index by welding fume exposure. Therefore even if it is hard to doing pulmonary function test in the first health examination of workers according to the Industrial Safety Health Act in the welding fume exposure workers. it is desirable to consider doing PFT. Also evaluating the ventilation impairment, it is necessary, to observe the change of MMF that marker of effort-independent portion.
- A Follow-up Study on the Personal Noise Exposed Dose and Hearing Loss.
Won Sool Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Yang Seak Kim, Sang Ju Lee, Kyung Il Park, Kap Yull Jung, Joon Youn Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(2):286-298.
- For the purpose of presenting the basic data for the establishment of control measures on the long-term noise exposed workers, this study was carried or on the relationship between personal noise exposed dose and hearing loss on the 67 male workers whose hearing threshold had exceeded 40dB in 4,000Hz, from 1990 to 1992. Conclusively, the level of hearing loss was significantly related to personal noise exposed dose which was measured by the personal noise dosemeter was more efficient rather than the noise level of workplace for the evaluating the long-term change of hearing acuity. And although in the case of not-diagnosed as noise induced hearing loss, it was suspected that the active control programs such as improvement of noisy environment or early transfer to proper workplace were needed on the workers who exposed with over 90dB in personal noise exposed dose.