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Eunil Lee 3 Articles
Increased DNA Damage of Lymphocytes in Korean Male Smokers.
Joohyun Lee, Eunil Lee, Eunha Oh, Juneyoung Lee, Donggeun Sul, Jooja Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2007;40(1):16-22.
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of DNA damage in human lymphocytes caused by smoking and other lifestyle factors. METHODS: The study population consisted of 173 normal healthy male adults from 21 to 59 years old. The demographic and lifestyle variables were obtained from administered questionnaires. The level of lymphocytic DNA damage in the peripheral blood was evaluated by the Comet assay. Statistical analyses were done by general linear model analysis and Dunnett's multiple comparison. RESULTS: The difference in DNA damage between smokers and non-smokers was statistically significant. The means for the Tail%DNA were found to be 10.48 in the current smokers and 9.60 in the non-smokers (p<0.05). The tail moment means were 1.58 and 1.45 (p<0.05) for the current smokers and non-smokers, respectively. The number of cigarettes smoked per day did not result in a significant difference in the level of DNA damage among the smokers. Other lifestyle factors such as age, and drinking and exercise habits were not related to DNA damage. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA damage in the lymphocytes of smokers was found to be significantly higher than that for non-smokers. However, the number of cigarettes smoked per day was not related to DNA damage. Further study is needed to evaluate the relationship between the amount of smoking and level of damage to DNA. In addition, the status of DNA repair activities should be assessed.


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  • DNA strand breaks in peripheral blood leucocytes of Polish blood donors
    Małgorzata M Dobrzyńska, Krzysztof A Pachocki, Katarzyna Owczarska
    Mutagenesis.2018; 33(1): 69.     CrossRef
  • The effect of carrot juice, β-carotene supplementation on lymphocyte DNA damage, erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes and plasma lipid profiles in Korean smoker
    Hye-Jin Lee, Yoo Kyoung Park, Myung-Hee Kang
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2011; 5(6): 540.     CrossRef
DNA Damage of Lymphocytes in Volunteers after 4 hours Use of Mobile Phone.
Seonmi Ji, Eunha Oh, Donggeun Sul, Jae Wook Choi, Heechan Park, Eunil Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2004;37(4):373-380.   Published online November 30, 2004
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There has been gradually increasing concern about the adverse health effects of electromagnetic radiation originating from cell phones which are widely used in modern life. Cell phone radiation may affect human health by increasing free radicals of human blood cells. This study has been designed to identify DNA damage of blood cells by electromagnetic radiation caused by cell phone use. METHODS: This study investigated the health effect of acute exposure to commercially available cell phones on certain parameters such as an indicator of DNA damage for 14 healthy adult volunteers. Each volunteer during the experiment talked over the cell phone with the keypad facing the right side of the face for 4 hours. The single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay), which is very sensitive in detecting the presence of DNA strand-breaks and alkali-labile damage in individual cells, was used to assess peripheral blood cells (T-cells, B-cells, granulocytes) from volunteers before and after exposure to cell phone radiation. The parameters of Comet assay measured were Olive Tail Moment and Tail DNA %. RESULTS: The Olive Tail Moment of B-cells and granulocytes and Tail DNA % of B-cells and granulocytes were increased by a statistically significant extent after 4- hour use of a cell phone compared with controls. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that cell phone radiation caused the DNA damage during the 4 hours of experimental condition. Nonetheless, this study suggested that cell phone use may increase DNA damage by electromagnetic radiation and other contributing factors.
A Study on Sick Role Behavior of Some Hypertensive Workers.
Eunil Lee, Soonduck Kim, Chulwhan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(2):203-212.
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Hypertension is one of the most well known risk factors for cerebrovascular or coronary heart disease and is a major public health problem. Early detection and treatment of hypertension are essential, but the compliance of treatment on hypertension is not easy to archive. Hypertensive workers are being detected by the annual screening under the Labour Standard Law in Korea but the solidified control system for them is not existing. This study about workers' Motive- Belief-Action in non-drug and drug treatment of their hypertension would be worthwhile to interpret how the workers actually behave in coping with hypertension, and also would be advisable to construct the follow-up program in Korea. In the field research process two criteria were used to select sample group. The first criterion included the workers who were screened to be hypertensive with their blood pressure above 160/95 in this survey. The second one was used to classify study-group respondents who had known their hypertension by successive annual screening. From such criteria a total of 156 male workers were sampled in 21 industries, the author interviewed them using the structured questionnaire which consisted of Belief-Motive-Action items about non-drug and drug treatment for hypertension with open-ended question on symptom of hypertension. The summary is as follows: 1) Sixty-one percent of respondents had ever checked their blood pressure somewhere besides the annual screening. 2) Most respondents(97.2%) complained no symptoms of hypertension at all. 3) Belief level of non-drug treatment was relatively high (82.1%-64.7%), but motive (55.1%-28.2%) and action (38.5%-16.7%) levels were low. 4) Belief level of drug treatment was relatively lower than that of non-drug treatment, blue collar workers showed higher action level of drug treatment than white collar workers, and correlation coefficient between belief and motive on drug treatment was lower in group of not-recognizing their family history of hypertension than recognized group. Such findings indicated that belief on drug treatment of hypertensive workers would be problematic. 5) White collar workers showed significant lower correlation coefficients between Motive and Action of salt restriction, restriction of fatty diet and relaxation than blue collar workers. 6) Mild hypertension group showed low levels of Motive and Action of non-drug treatment (salt restriction, restriction of fatty diet and relaxation) and also showed low correlation coefficient between Belief and Motive of above non-drug treatment.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health