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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 26(4); 1993 > Article
Original Article Epidemiological characteristics of HIV infected homosexuals in Korea(1992).
Young Keol Cho, Yung Oh Shin, Young Bong Kim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1993;26(4):541-550
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1Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Ulsan University, Korea.
2Center for AIDS Research, National Institute of Health, Korea.
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In order to investigate psychological and behavioral characteristics homosexuals and to present evidence that homosexuals are in danger of HIV infection in Korea, this study was done by self-administered questionnaire and then direct interview with the 28(35%) HIV infected homosexual/bisexuals of 79 HIV infected persons reported in 1992. Homosexuals without heterosexual activity were 9 and the others were bisexuals. Sixty-five percent of respondents had a guilty conscience for their homosexual activity. Twenty(71%) were in twenties and 5(18%) in thirties. Twelve(43%) were detected via health card checking by health office, 21% by blood donation, 18% by hospital visit, and 7% by partner notification. Motivations for homosexual activity were curiosity(36%), temptation or recommendation(14%) and compulsion(11%). Eighteen(72%) never used condom on anal sex. Nine of 26 respondents had experience for anal sex with foreigners. Fourteen(54%) of 26 respondents had history for sexually transmitted diseases. Fightly percent did not have sexual contact after HIV infection and the others usually used condom. It was confirmed that over 57% of the respondents were infected within 1 year before HIV diagnosis and over 82% within 2 years. These data suggest that HIV infection among homosexual group is rapidly spreading.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health