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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 26(4); 1993 > Article
Original Article Geographical distribution of physician manpower by specialty and care level.
Seung Hum Yu, Sang Hyuk Jung, Byung Yool Cheon, Tae Yong Shn, Hyohn Joo Oh
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1993;26(4):661-671
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1Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
2Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Korea.
3Graduate School of Health Science and Management, Yonsei University, Korea.

In order to compare the geographical distribution of physician by level of medical care and specialty, a log linear model was applied to the annual registration data of the Korean Medical Association as of the end of December, 1991 which was supplemented from related institutions and adjusted with relevant sources. Those physicians in primary and secondary care institutions were not statistically significantly unevenly distributed by province-level catchment area. There were some differences in physician distribution among big cities, medium and small-sized cities, and counties; however, those physicians for primary care level were equitably distributed between cities and counties. Specialties for secondary care physicians were less evenly distributed in county areas than in city areas, and generalists are distributed more evenly in cities and counties than in big cities. There is a certain limitation due to underregistration in the annual physician registration to the Korean Medical Association; however, the geographical distribution of physicians has been improved quantitatively. It is strongly suggested that specialties and the level of medical care should be considered for further physician manpower studies.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health