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Original Article Interns' Resident's Professional Job Perception and Its Effect to Their Job Satisfaction.
Yune Sik Kang, Sin Kam, Min Hae Yeh
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1997;30(1):209-228
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Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea.

In order to investigate the professional job perception and job satisfaction of interns and residents and its related factors, the author conducted survey using self administered questionnaire for 2 months(August and September, 1996). The study subjects were 562 interns and residents who worked at one university hospital(tertiary hospital) and two general hospitals(secondary hospital) in Taegu, Korea. Among them, 297(52.8%) responded completely. The results were as follows ; Respondents thought that people component was most important, science and status components were next among professional value scales which meant the desirable attitudes required to conduct professional works. But, the score of professional value scales was generally high and not affected by other variables in multiple linear regression analysis. They seemed to have very normative and ideal perceptions about professional values. The score of professionalism scales, which were attitudinal and behavioral traits about professional job, of high grade residents was significantly higher than that of interns and lower grade residents. The score of reference to professional organization and autonomy factor were increasing significantly as the grade increased. Working conditions and perception for socioeconomic status of doctors influenced the score of professionalism scale significantly. It seemed that professional socialization was made during the training periods of interns and residents. Most of respondents answered that current socioeconomic status of doctors were middle and high strata but they responded that the socioeconomic status of doctors would fall in the future. They seemed to have a pessimistic thought about doctor's status. Generally the respondents thought that they were satisfied with doctor job and fit to the job, but 51.9% answered that if possible they would get other jobs. It seemed to reflect their critical thinking on doctors' status. Perceptions about socioeconomic status of doctors, professional value and professionalism influenced job satisfaction significantly. The interns and residents had high sense of calling to doctors and thought that doctors were socially important job. Generally they were satisfied with their job. Interns and residents had normative thoughts about the trait which competent doctors must have. During the training period, they seemed to have attitude and perception as a professional and to make professional socializations.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health