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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 30(3); 1997 > Article
Original Article A Retrospective cohort study on the effect of health counselling through the level of gamma-GTP after screening test.
Yong Jin Lee, Jae Eog Ahn, Joo Ja Kim, Byung Kook Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1997;30(3):518-529
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Department of Preventive Medicine, college of Medicine, Soonchunhyang, Korea.
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1,281 male subjects who had been examined more than 3 times for regular check-up in one human dock center of the university hospital were studied between 1990-1995, to evaluate the effect of health counseling with life style and gamma-GTP value between 1054 normal group without intervention and 227 abnormal group with intervention, ages from 30 to 69 years old. Total mean value of gamma-GTP was 45.7+/-40.7 unit with highest gamma-GTP value in age group 50-59 on initial examination. Total abnormal rate was 17.7% with the highest abnormal rate of 18.6% in age group 50-59. Initially, the value of gamma-GTP was significantly different according to the degree of alcohol intake, relative weight and smoking in normal group(p<0.01) not in abnormal group. In conclusion, the value of gamma-GTP were significantly increasing in normal group without intervention and significantly decreasing in abnormal group with intervention(p<0.05), which suggests the effect of health counseling, such as the recommendation to change the health behaviour.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health