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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 31(3); 1998 > Article
Original Article Correlation of Fit Factors for Respirators and Anthropometric Dimension.
Don Hee Han
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1998;31(3):440-448
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Department of Occupational Safety and Health, College of Health Science, Inje University, Korea.
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In many developed countries, for example, USA, respirator fit testing is required before entering specific work environment to ensure that the respirator worn satisfies a minimum of fit and that the user knows when the respirator fits properly. Unfortunately because we have not fit test regulation in Korea, a lot of workers wearing respirators may be potentially exposed to hazards. This study was conducted to evaluate the fitting performance for respirators and correlation fit factors with facial dimensions of wearers. 110 subjects (70 males, 40 females) were fit tested for three quarter masks, i.e., two domestic-made Mask Z, and Y and one foreign-made Mask T using PortaCount 8020. A facial dimension survey of the same subjects was conducted to develop a facial dimension grids for correlation fit factors with facial dimension parameters. A facial dimension grid was developed on the basis of face length and lip length for quarter masks. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Fit factors of Mask T were much higher than those of Masks Z, and Y. 2. Males were fitted more properly than females. 3. Male in box "f" of grid would be adequately fitted Mask Y and male in box "b", "e", "f", "h" of grid would be sufficiently fitted Mask T. Female in box "h" of grid may have a good fitting performance for both Mask Y, and T. But subjects in all boxes of grid would be inadequately fitted Mask Z.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health