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Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Influencing Facotrs that Affect the Biological Monitoring of Workers Exposed to N,N-Dimethylformamide in Textile Coating Factories.
In Sung Chung, Jon Ghan Kim, Sang Kug Choi, Jong Youn Bae, Mi Young Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2006;39(2):171-176
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1Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Dongsan Medical Center, Korea.
2Preventive Medicine, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Korea.
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The objective of this study is to assess the factors influencing biological monitoring of textile coating factory workers exposed to N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF). METHODS: We studied 35 workers who were occupationally exposed to DMF from 9 textile coating factories. The study was carried out in two phases; summer and winter. While air concentration of DMF, temperature and humidity were assessed in order to monitor the atmospheric conditions, biological monitoring was done to determine the internal dose by analyzing the N-methylformamide(NMF) collected from urine at the beginning and end of the shift. Questionnaires and medical surveillance were also obtained during the two phases. RESULTS: Median air concentrations of DMF in winter and summer were 1.85 ppm and 2.78 ppm respectively. Also the difference between the urinary NMF concentration at the beginning and end of the shift (deltaNMF) was always significant in each season (P<0.001). The correlations between log DMF in air, log end-of-shift urinary NMF (r=0.555, P<0.001) and log deltaNMF (r=0.444, P<0.001) was statistically significant in summer. The temperature, humidity, a shift system and different styles of clothing worn were significantly different during the two phases. In a multivariate analysis, temperature and the concentration of DMF in the air were the main factors influencing biological monitoring of textile coating factory workers. CONCLUSIONS: Concerning more comprehensive prevention measures to reduce exposure for those workers occupationally exposed to DMF, dermal exposure conditions such as temperature and humidity together with the air concentration of DMF should be assessed and biological monitoring is necessary to reduce adverse health effects, especially during the summer.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health