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English Abstract The Usefulness of Obesity Indices for the Coronary Risk Factors in an Urban Inhabitants.
Sung Kyeong Park, Kwang Hwan Kim, Young Chae Cho
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2006;39(6):447-454
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1Department of Public Health, Graduate School Chungnam National University, Korea.
2Department of Hospital Management Gykonyang University, Korea.
3Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea. fghifjfklmcfmno

To determine obesity for the screening of individuals at high risk of coronary heart disease in urban areas. METHODS: Data were obtained from 4,137 adults between 19 and 85 years of age (2,372 males, 1,765 females), not recognized as taking medicines for cardiovascular diseases, who underwent a health check-up at the health promotion center of university hospitals in cities between Jan. 2003 and Dec. 2004. The variables studied were divided into two broad categories, and their relationships examined: obesity indices and risk factors for coronary heart disease. To reveal the relation between each of the obesity indices and the proportion of individuals at risk of coronary heart disease, the obesity indices were stratified and odds ratios obtained after age adjustment. RESULTS: From a gender comparison of anthropometric measures, men were found to have significantly greater heights, weights, and waist and hip circumferences than women. From a gender comparison by the obesity indices, women were found to have significantly higher BMI, %Fat, waist to hip and waist to stature ratios than men. As obesity indices, the waist to stature ratio and the waist circumference were strongly correlated with coronary risk factors, both in men and women. The age-adjusted odds ratio of coronary risk factors increased significantly with increasing waist circumference, BMI, %fat, waist to hip and waist to stature ratios, and were highest specifically for the waist to stature ratio and the waist circumference. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that the waist to stature ratio and the waist circumference, as obesity indices, were most closely correlated with coronary risk factors. It is suggested that the waist to stature ratio and, specifically, the waist circumference can be effectively used in the field of health management for screening those with high levels of coronary risk factors.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health