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Original Article A Research on Crippled Schoolchildren in Chungnam Area.
Jang Won Kwon
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1981;14(1):13-22
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A study was conducted to provide comprehensive information in epidemiological state of crippled schoolchildren in Chungnam area from November 23, 1979 to 19, 1980. In this study, two step survey was conducted upon whole primary, middle and high school, and subsequent selected 537 case in total 3,063 crippled children. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The prevalence rate of orthopedic defect children was 3.7 per 1,000 and dominant male as 6 : 4. 2. It was relatively high the school grade and prevalence rate more increased. Prevalence rate was highest in high school as 4.7 per 1,000, middle in middle school as 4.4 per 1,000 and lowest in primary school as 3.1 per 1,000. 3. The most predominant group was 15-19 age as 52.9 percent. 4. The most common job of their parent was agriculture as 52.9 percent and next job sales and service. Economic state of Cripple's parent have revealed no particular difference. 5. In a family, the most common incidence rate was first children in both sex and decreased by ordered sibling. 6. Poliomyelitis was the most common cause as 71.5 percent and next cerebral palsy 11.9 percent. 7. The most common affected sited was lower extremity (Right: 42.3%, Left: 35.5%) and next upper extremity. Right was more dominant as 55:45. 8. Intelligence was decreased in cerebral palsy predominantly than other cause of defect, including poliomyelitis. 9. For the treatment of their condition at onset of illness, crippled children was utilized private clinic and herb medicine, but was changed tendency of treatment as acupuncture and moxibustion after diagnosis of cause defect.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health