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Volume 30(4); December 1997
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Original Articles
Association of osteoarthritis and bone mineral density in women: The health and nutritional examination survey in Kuri.
Seung Soo Sheen, Soon Young Lee, Byung Hyun Min, Il Suh
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):669-685.
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Previous studies, reporting the inverse relationship between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis suggest the existence of possible pathophysiologic mechanisms between them. To examine the hypothessis that "bone mineral densities of women with osteoarthritis are significantly higher than that of women without osteoarthritis in Korea", subjects from the health and nutritional examination survey in Kuri city were sampled. Samples were selected through multi-stage sampling frame using established clusters in Kuri city. From August 18 to September 10, 1997, the survey was conducted. Among the total number of selected sample population(1,656 people), response rate was 52.4 percent(348 men and 519 women). 420 women who took BMD measurement, radiologic exam, and anthropometric exam were selected for the analysis. The analysis results are as follows. 1. General characteristics : Mean BMD was 0.493 g/cm2, mean age was 43.0, mean BMI was 23.9 kg/m(3). The number of women who experienced menopause was 106, hysterectomy was 19. There were 0 case of osteoarthritis of hip, 64 cases of osteoarthritis of knee, and 2 cases of osteoarthritis of hand. 2. Univariate analysis results : Mean BMD of women with the osteoarthritis of knee was significantly lower than that of women without the osteoarthritis of knee(0.4296 vs. 0.5057 g/cm2). But, there were to few cases of osteoarthritis of hip and hand, so comparative studies of BMD in ostearthritis of hip and hand could not be conducted. There were significant differences of BMD among pre-menopause group(0.5204), post-menopause group(0.4206), and hysterectomy group(0.4881). Additionally, there were significant differences of BMD among diabetes group(0.4297), impaired glucose tolerance group(0.4874), and normal group(0.5057). Furthermore, age, parity, BMI, bioimpedance wer significantly related with BMD. 3. Multivariate analysis results : To examine the relationship between osteoarthritis and BMD while controlling the other variables' effects which were significant in the univariate analyses, multiple linear regression analysis was done. But, it was found that osteoarthritis of knee was not a significant variable to BMD anymore. While age and menopause had significant negative relationship with BMD. Diabetes, parity, BMI, and bioimpedance did not have significant relationships with BMD. After stratification of subjects according to menopause, multiple linear regression analyses were done to each strata. Consequently, age in post-menopause group, age and osteoarthritis of knee in hysterectomy group showed significant negative relationship with BMD. The results did not support the many results of other previous studies done with white men and women. Further studies of biological plausibility to Korean women are recommended. Also it is suggested that longitudinal study to verify the relationship between osteoarthritis and BMD will be valuable.
A Study on Serum Lipid Levels of Children in Pusan.
Soo Yong Kang, Byung Mann Cho, Su Ill Lee, In Kyong Hwang, Yeung Wook Kim, Young Sil Kim, Ae Ri Cha, I Ho Ha, Chel Ho Lee, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):686-696.
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This is a cross-sectional study to evaluate the serum lipid levels of children living in Pusan in 1996. The distribution of age is from 2 years old to 12 years old. In female children mean total cholesterol is 171.4+/-26.2mg/dl, triglyceride is 104.7+/-50.6mg/dl, HDL-cholesterol is 54.4+/-14.8mg/dl, and LDL-cholesterol is 95.4+/-32.9mg/dl. In male children mean total cholesterol is 167.9+/-25.2mg/dl, triglyceride is 90.6+/-45.5mg/dl, HDL-cholesterol is 55.4+/-11.7mg/dll, and LDL-cholesterol is 94.4+/-23.6mg/dl. The percentile of serum lipid levels is measured in children. The 95th percentile of serum total cholesterol is 210mg/dl in male children, and 214mg/dl in female children. And, the 95th percentile of serum triglyceride is 184mg/dl in male children, and 191mg/dl in female children. And, the 95th percentile of LDL-cholesterol is 133mg/dl in male children, and 135mg/dl in female children. Serum total cholesterol is positively related to age(r=0.18), height(r=0.08), weight(r=0.17), obesity index(r=0.12), and negatively related to father's education level(r=-0.13), mother's education level(r=-0.13). Serum triglyceride is positively related to weight(r=0.23), age(r=0.31) and negatively related to father's education level(r=-0.12), mother's education level(r=-0.18). Serum HDL-C was positively related to mother's education level(r=0.07) and negatively related to height(r=-0.12), weight(r=-0.09). Conclusively, the serum lipid levels of children living in Pusan is generally so high that the family and school must try to control the serum lipid levels.
a study on The Effect of The Tobacco Price Raise on The Smoking Rate and Smoking Attributable Death.
Jong Won Kang, Joung Soom Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):697-707.
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This study was performed to estimate the quantity of the effects of tobacco price raise on the smoking rate, and the smoking attributable deaths in Korea. The data were collected by questionnaire survey from 538 male office workers. The questionnaire contained items on age, sex, living place, status of education, smoking history, the intention to quit smoking when the tobacco price be raised. The questionnaire were distributed to the offices of enterprises, hospitals, research centers, and public agencies and then collected. Data were analyzed by using the age specific smoking rate, relative risks of eight major smoking related diseases, vital statistics, and the population attributable risk of deaths of smoking males. On the other hand, the impact of the tobacco price raise on the population attributable risk of death due to smoking in Korea was estimated by applying the presumed smoking rate after the price raise. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The smoking rate of male white color workers in large cities was 59.5%. 2. The proportion of male smokers who has the intention to quit smoking when the tobacco price be raised was 61.5%. 3. The proportion of male smokers who has the intention to quit smoking if the price of tobacco be raised was proportional to the degree of increasing tobacco price. It is estimated that if the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now, the presumed smoking rate goes down as low as 26.7%. If the tobacco price be raised 20% each year, presumed smoking rate is 46.2%. 4. The number of attributable male death of smoking estimated by using 8 major smoking related diseases(lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was 25,863 death each year. That is 20.1% of total age over 20 male deaths. 5. If the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now and all smokers who has intention to quit smoking quits smoking, 12,336 lives, or 47.7% of smoking related deaths could be saved. 6. If the actual practice rate of quitting smoking among male smokers with intention to stop smoking when the price of tobacco be raised is 10%, 25%, or 50%, then the expected decrease of death numbers when the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now can be 1,112, 3,483, 5,796 respectively.
A Study on obesity pattern and related factors of the doctors.
Young Sil Kim, Hye Sook Park, Bong Su Cho, Yeong Wook Kim, Kwang Wook Koh, Soo Yong Kang, Ae Ri Cha, Cheol Ho Yi, In Kyung Hwang, Byung Mann Cho, Su Ill Lee, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):708-718.
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The author surveyed overall obesity indicies and factors concerned with obesity such as dietary intake, physical activity, stress and life style with the subject of doctors. The number of subjects was total 508 with 396 men and 112 women. They were subgrouped into surgical part, medical part and service and basic part by speciality. And also subgrouped into intern and resident, pay doctor, and practitioner by working type. The results were as follows. 1) Obesity indices: BMI of total doctor was 23.1+/-2.8, and WHR was 0.87+/-0.08 and overweight prevalence(BMI>25.0) was 23.6 %. It was within normal limit but slightly over the Korean standard. The degree of obesity indices of subgroups by speciality was "surgical part > medical part > service and basic part", and by working type was "practitioner > pay doctor > intern and resident". 2) Dietary intake and Physical activity: Average dietary intake was 2148+/-451 kcal/day. The degree of dietary intake by speciality was "surgical part > medical part > service and basic part". By working type it was "practitioner > pay doctor > intern and resident". Average physical activity was 29+/-5 METs/day. The degree of physical activity also showed similar pattern. But there was no significant difference among each groups. 3) Comparison between over-weight and non-over-weight group: The items that showed significant difference between two groups were dietary intake, skip breakfast, regular exercise, smoking, heavy drinking, chronic disease etc.
Reliability for Multiple Reviewers by using Loglinear Models.
Byung Joo Park, Sung Im Lee, Young Jo Lee, Dong Hyun Kim, Ho Jang Kwon, Jong Myon Bae, Myung Hee Shin, Mi Na Ha, Sang Whan Han
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):719-728.
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To guarantee the inter-reviewer reliability is very important in evaluating the quality of large number of clinical research papers by multiple reviewers. We cannot find reports on statistical methods for evaluating reliability for multiple raters in clinical research field. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the statistical methods focused on kappa statistic and five kinds of loglinear models for, which can be applied when evaluating the reliability of multiple raters. We have applied these methods to the result of a project, in which seven reviewers have evaluated the quality of 33 papers with regard to four aspects of paper contents including study hypothesis, study design, study population, study method, data analysis and interpretation. Among the five loglinear models including Symmetry model, Conditional symmetry model, Quasi-symmetry model, Independence model, and Quasi-independence model, Quasi-symmetry model shows the best model of fitting. And the level of reliability among seven reviewers revealed to be acceptable as meaningful.
Study on Relationship between Hypertension and Dietary intake in a Rural Adult Population.
Un Yeong Go, Joung Soom Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):729-740.
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To determine the relationship between hypertension and nutrient intake cross-sectional study were performed in a rural area. Adult resident over 30-year-old age were measured blood pressure and body mass index(BMI), and interviewed about food intake for the previous 24 hours. 250 men and 297 women participated the survey. Significant correlation was shown in men between mean systolic blood pressure and protein density. Significant correlation with mean diastolic blood pressure was shown on protein density, protein energy(%), calcium density and energy-adjusted protein in men. We analysed risk factor for hypertension adjust the effect of age, BMI, sex and family history by multiple logistic regression. Protein density(odds ratio=3.18), fat density(odds ratio=1.94) and energy-adjusted protein(odds ratio=1.01) intake were positively associated with hypertension but sodium density(odds ratio=0.73) was shown to have inverse relationship.
The change of validity of blood zinc protoporphyrin test by different cut-off level in level workers.
Yong Bae Kim, Hyun Cheol Ahn, Young Hwangbo, Gap Soo Lee, Sung Soo Lee, Kyu Dong Ahn, Byung Kook Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):741-751.
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Measurement of blood lead (PbB) and blood zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) are most common biological indices to identify the individual at risk for excess or the health sequences by lead exposure. Because PbB is known most important and reliable index of lead exposure, PbB is often regarded as a gold standard to detect lead exposure. But in Korea PbB is a secondary test item of detailed health check-up with positive finding of screening test in most occasion. Our lead standard requires all lead workers to take annual heath-check twice a year for investigation of their health effect due to lead exposure. Blood ZPP is one of most important index to detect high lead absorption in lead workers as a screening test. Measurement of blood ZPP is known well to correlate with PbB in steady state of exposure in most lead workers and is often used as a primary screening test to detect high lead absorption of lead workers with the advantage of simplicity, easiness, portability and low cost. The current cut-off criteria of blood ZPP for further detailed health check-up is 100 ng/dl which is supposed to match the level of 40 ng/dl of PbB according to our standard. Authors tried to investigate the validity of current criteria of cut-off level(100 ng/dl) of blood ZPP and possible another better cut-off level of it to detect the lead workers whose PbB level over 40 ng/dl. The subjects in our study were 212 male workers in three small scale storage battery industries. Blood ZPP, PbB and hemoglobin(Hb) were selected as the indices of lead exposure. The results were as follows. 1. The mean of blood ZPP, PbB and Hb in lead workers were 79.5+/-46.7 ng/dl, 38.7+/-15.1 ng/dl, and 14.8+/-1.2 g/dl, respectively. There were significant differences in blood ZPP, PbB and Hb by industry(P<0.01). 2. The percents of lead workers whose blood ZPP were above 100 ng/dl in the group of work duration below 1, 1-4, 5-9 and above 10 years were 8.6%, 17.2%, 47.6%, and 50.0%, respectively. The percents of lead workers whose PbB were above 40 ng/dl in those were 31.4%, 40.4%, 71.4%, and 86.4%, respectively. 3. The percents of lead workers whose PbB were below 40 ng/dl, 40-59 ng/dl and above 60 ng/dl were 54.7%, 34.9% and 10.4%, respectively. Those of lead workers whose blood ZPP were below 100 ng/dl, 100-149 ng/dl and above 150 ng/dl were 79.2%, 13.7% and 7.1%, respectively. 4. Simple linear regression of PbB on blood ZPP was statistically significant(P<0.05) and as PbB was 40 ng/dl, blood ZPP was 82.1 ng/dl. 5. While the highest sensitivity and specificity of blood ZPP test to detect lead workers with PbB over 40 ng/dl were observed in the cut-off level of 50 ng/dl and 100 ng/dl of blood ZPP, respectively, the highest validity(sensitivity+specificity) of blood ZPP to detect lead workers with PbB over 40 ng/dl was observed in the cut-off level of around 70 ng/dl of blood ZPP. But even with optimal cut-off level of around 70 ng/dl of blood ZPP, still 25.0% of false negative and 20.7% false positive lead workers were found. As the result of this study, it was suggested that reconsideration of current blood ZPP cut-off of our lead standard from 100 ng/dl to somewhat lower level such as around 70 ng/dl and the inclusion of PbB measurement as a primary screening test for lead workers was highly recommended for the effective prevention of lead workers.
Respiratory symptoms of workers exposed to the fume containing manganese.
Sun Hee Yu, Doo Hie Kim, Hyun Sul Lim, Ji Yong Kim, Byung Soon Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):752-763.
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To evaluate the effect of manganese on the respiratory system, we investigated the respiratory symptoms of 63 male workers exposed to fume containing manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and silica (Si), and compared them with those of 66 male workers not exposed to the fume in a manganese alloy smelting factory. The prevalence ratios of the seven respiratory symptoms were not different between two groups. The presence of any respiratory symptom was not related with the age, duration of employment, smoking status of workers, and exposure to fume. In furnace workers, it was not related with the airborne Mn, Fe, and Si concentration in the total or respirable fume. Airborne Mn concentrations of all 4 furnaces in the respirable fume were below 1 mg/m(3). There were two suspicious cases of pneumoconiosis among furnace workers and one definite case(1/2) among casting workers who were not exposed to fume. The above results suggest that the exposure to the low airborne Mn concentration is not related with respiratory symptoms and pneumoconiosis. However, it is necessary to study the respiratory effects of Mn using the symptom questionnaire with consideration of the severity and persistence of symptoms and the time interval from exposure.
A Study on the Medical Insurance Utilization of Workers Suffering from Low Back Pain in an Area.
Chul Gab Lee, Hyun Ok Ahn, So Yeon Ryu, Jong Park, Ki Soon Kim, Yang Ok Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):764-778.
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To find the medical insurance utilization of workers when suffering from low back pain, an analysis was made toward the data of medical insurance benefits matched with the general characteristics of 10,183 workers, who were registered continuously from 1993 to 1995 at a medical insurance cooperation for industrial workers. The results were as follows; 1. The period prevalence of the medical insurance utilization for low back pain for 3 years from 1993 to 1995 was calculated as 17.1% for male workers and 19.4% for female workers. Most common cause of utilization was other dorsopathies including the herniation of lumbar discs. 2. The utilization rate increased significantly as the present age and the age joining the company got older(p<0.001). As the duration of employment got longer, the utilization rate of the male showed the tendency to increase and that of the female increased significantly(p<0.05). Among male workers employed at cement and concrete manufacturing companies showed higher utilization rate and among female laborers showed significantly higher utilization rate than clerical workers(p<0.01). 3. Annual utilization rate for low back pain didn't show any difference, but the portion of other dorsopathies among cause of utilization showed the tendency to increase from 1993 to 1995. 4. The mean number of claims for outpatient medical care for low back pain differed significantly by age, working duration, type of industries, income level(p<0.05), and the mean of total visiting days for care of low back pain differed siginificantly by working duration. In conclusion, considering the fact that the medical insurance utilization for low back pain increased annually and other dorsopathies including the herniation of dorsopathies were increasing, an effective preventive or management program for low back pain toward worker employed at industries were required.
Association between Myofascial Pain Syndrome and the Assessment of Pain and the related Function tests in female telephone directory assistance operators using BDT.
Sang Chul Roh, Soo Jin Lee, Jae Cheol Song, Hung Bae Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):779-790.
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The Association between myofascial pain syndrome and some tests was assessed in a cross-sectional study of 904 female telephone operators using video display terminals(VDTs). 105 cases were diagnosed as Myofascial pain syndrome with symptom questionnaire, laboratory examination and physician's physical examination and 550 controls were defined to show only musculoskeletal symptoms using NIOSH symptom criteria. Data on demographics, musculoskeletal symptom and visual analogue scale(VAS) were obtained by questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements, pressure pain threshold, Grip and Pinch strength and laboratory test were conducted. No significant difference between case and control at comparing of demographics, occupational history and body measurements were observed. But, Grip strength, pressure pain threshold and VAS showed the statistical difference between case and control. Age, pressure pain threshold of Rt. Upper trapezius and VAS were associated with myofascial pain syndrome in multivariate logistic regression analysis. This results suggest that, to diagnose of myofascial pain syndrome, the consideration of the objective aspects among patients' subjective symptom complaints through the VAS and pressure pain threshold is required.
Relationship between Life Style, the Level of Stress and Irritable Bowel Syndrome on 1498 Male White Collars.
Jong Ryul Kim, Sang Hwa Urm, Jin Ho Chun, Soo Jin Jeong, Chang Hee Lee, Kui Won Jeong, Soon Seok Choi, Ki Taek Pee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):791-804.
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Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is one of the common health problem that has been considered as stress-induced. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between life style and the level of stress and IBS by structured questionnaire which included questions on life style, the self-esteemed gastrointestinal symptoms, and Psychosocial Well-being Index(PWI). Subjects were 1,498 male white collars who get the regular health check and participated in survey at Inje University Health Promotion Center from January to December, 1996. The overall prevalence of IBS was 37.5%(561 cases), and the level of stress by PWI score was higher in IBS group(41.8+/-14.2) than symptom-free group(34.6+/-12.6). As the result of comparison between the two groups, heavier smoking (adjusted OR=2.48, 95% CI 1.81-3.41), longer daily working time (adjusted OR=5.19, 95% CI 3.59-7.56), stimulatory food materials-mainly hot or salty (adjusted OR=1.87, 95% CI 1.44-2.45), higher body mass index (adjusted OR=1.80, 95% CI 1.27-2.57), and higher level of stress (adjusted OR=2.81, 95% CI 1.80-4.43) were estimated as risk factors of IBS. On the contrary, 6-8 hours sleeping per day (adjusted OR=0.38 95% CI 0.21-0.70), 3-4 times exercise per week (adjusted OR=0.57 95% CI 0.39-0.83), and tenure more than 20 years (adjusted OR=0.25 95% CI 0.16-0.35) were considered as protective factors to IBS. In summary, the assessment of the stress level might be placed in the first priority to control IBS, at least by some degree, which suggested that IBS could be controlled by avoiding such risk factors and by encouraging such protective factors.
Case Report
A Case Report on the Meniscal Tear due to Repetitive Foot-Switch Stepping.
Sun Hee Yu, Hyun Sul Lim, Doo Hie Kim, Dong Ju Chae, Suk Kang
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):805-814.
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Injuries to the menisci occur in a variety of ways, most commonly with a twist, pivot, squat, or valgus stress to the knee. Tear patterns are classified to longitudinal, horizontal, or transverse features according to the mechanism of injury. Work-related meniscal tear usually occurs with a repetitive usage of the foot, hence it can be classified as a cumulative traumatic disorder. We found a 47 year-old female worker who had been taking charge of repetitive foot-switch stepping for 8 years. She suffered from pain in the right knee since 5 months ago. Tenderness along the medial joint line of the right knee was observed and pain was aggravated with full flexion of the right knee. On magnetic resonance imaging, high signal intensity was observed at the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the right knee. Degenerative longitudinal and transverse complex tear in the medial meniscus was observed on arthroscopy. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was performed. We surveyed the work process and the health status of co-workers. It turned out that the work process was compatible to injure the meniscus and nine out of fourteen co-workers(64.3%) complained pain of the knee. No other factors related to her meniscal tear could be found except for the situation at her work. Therefore, we conclude that meniscal tear is related to the repetitive stepping of foot switch.
Original Articles
Evaluation on Hearing Conservation Program in the Noisy Industries.
M S Kwak, J T Lee, J H Kim, S H Urm, D H Kim, Byung Chul Son, C H Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):815-829.
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This study was performed to assist the employer to establish the effective program for hearing conservation of noisy industry. The study subjects were health care managers of an industry and the study industries were divided into two groups(Group I, 37 industries; have the workers diagnosed as noise-induced hearing loss, Group II, 41 industries; not have the workers diagnosed as noise-induced hearing loss) and the question method carried out through the face to face interview. The contents of questionnaire for OSHA's hearing conservation program(HCP) consisted of seven components: 5 questions of monitoring of employee noise exposures(component 1), 6 questions of the institution of engineering, work practice, and administrative controls for excessive noise(component 2), 8 questions of the provision of each overexposed employee with an individually fitted hearing protector with an adequate noise reduction rating(component 3), 14 questions of employee training and education regarding noise hazards and protection measures(component 4), 9 questions of baseline and annual audiometry(component 5), 3 questions of procedures for preventing further occupational hearing loss by an employee whenever such an event has been identified(component 6), and 1 question of recording keeping(component 7), thus total numbers of questions was 46. The numbers of statistically significant difference(p<0.05) between two groups were 2(25.0%) among 8 questions of component 3, 10(71.4%) among 14 questions of component 4, 3(33.3%) among 8 questions of component 5, 2(66.7%) among 3 questions of component 6, and 17(37.0%) among total 46 questions of questionnaire. Above results showed that the level of HCP acceptance in group I was lower than in group II. Thus employer's understanding about HCP should be precede for the effective hearing conservation program of employee and the adequate hearing protector, training and education, baseline and annual audiometry, and procedures for preventing further occupational hearing loss for hearing conservation would be more emphasized.
Skin diseases of male workers in painting workplace.
Jae Beom Park, Kyung Jong Lee, Jae Yeon Jang, Ho Keun Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):830-839.
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Painting is risky work to occupational skin disease. This research was carried out to investigate the prevalence of occupational skin disease in painting department of a shipyard company in June 1996. Dermatological examination, self-administered questionnaire survey, compositional analysis of solvents used in painting and cleaning were conducted. Exposed group(n=379) was selected randomly in painting department and control group(n=151) was selected in those who had not exposed to paints or solvents. Exposed group was divided into two groups by substance to contact ; painters contact to paints and organic solvents and workers contact to cleaners mainly composed of organic solvents. The prevalence of contact dermatitis(11.9%) is significantly elevated compared with control group(2.6%), and age adjusted odds ratio(OR) is 4.95 (95% confidence interval[CI]: 1.75-14.03). The prevalence of Tinea pedis, the most common skin disease, in exposure group is 48.0%, and its age-adjusted odds ratio(OR) is significantly elevated compared with control group (OR:3.17, 95% CI:2.06-4.88). Pompholyx is also significantly elevated in prevalence(11.9%) and age-adjusted OR(OR:6.69, 95% CI:2.05-21.87). There were no difference in the prevalence of contact dermatitis, Tinea pedis, and pompholyx by use of protector, work type, and duration of employment in painting department. In exposure group, 71.1% suffer from contact dermatitis improved in vacation or holiday and 68.9% of them had lesion in exposed area, it suggest that contact dermatitis in exposed group is related to their work. In conclusion, workers in painting department have high risks of contact dermatitis, Tinea pedis, and pompholyx. A health policy should be provided to prevent skin disease among painting department.
Study of repuirements and conditions to be improved for voluntary occupational health program in worksite.
Jae Seok Song, Jong Uk Won, Myong Sei Son, Bong Suk Cha, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):840-851.
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To perform voluntary occupational health program in worksites, regulational supports are necessary. The regulational supports include assessment of current occupational health program and appropriate incentives. The purpose of this study is to find out the requirements of voluntary occupational health program and conditions to be improved. Study population was industrial health managers of both industries with less than 300 workers and over 300 workers, and the member of labor union who is responsible for safety and health in worksite. Two different questionnaire were used to find out the requirements and conditions to be improved respectively. The results were; 1. The category which prevalence rate of occupational injuries and occupational disease should be lower than national average was most important in health managers employed in industries over 300 workers and followed by reporting system, education, worksite policy, work environment assessment, protective equipment, consequently. But those employed in industries less than 300 workers showed high importance in prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease, reporting system, worksite policy, work environment assessment, protective equipment, education, consequently. 2. The members of labor union thought that worksite policy was most important and the next is education, reporting system, work environment assessment, protective equipment, prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease. 3. There were difference in importance of education and worksite policy according to the size of industries. Reporting system, prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease, and worksite policy had different importance between members of labor union and health managers. 4. In the results of questionnaire for conditions to be improved, the most important condition was top manager's willingness except personal protective equipments, and followed by financial support, legal support. The limitations of this study were the problems of representativeness of study population. but voluntary health program should be performed in worksites which have relatively good occupational health system. So, this selection bias could not disrupt our results.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health