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Yumi Oh 1 Article
The National Health Plan 2030: Its Purpose and Directions of Development
Yumi Oh
J Prev Med Public Health. 2021;54(3):173-181.   Published online May 7, 2021
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
The National Health Plan 2030 (HP2030) started to be prepared in 2017 and was completed and announced in December 2020. This study presents an overview of how it was established, the major changes in policies, its purpose, and future directions. This study analyzed the steps taken in the past 4 years to establish HP2030 and reviewed major issues at the international and governmental levels based on an evaluation of HP2020 and its content. HP2030 establishes 6 divisions and 28 topic areas, and it will continue to expand investments in health with a total budget of 2.5 trillion Korean won. It also established goals to enhance health equity for the first time, with the goal of calculating healthy life expectancy in a way that reflects the circumstances of Korea and reducing the gap in income and healthy life expectancy between regions. The establishment of HP2030 is significant in that it constitutes a sustainable long-term plan with sufficient preparation, contains policy measures that everyone participates in and makes together, and works towards improvements in universal health standards and health equity. With the announcement of HP2030, which includes goals and directions of the national health policy for the next 10 years, it will be necessary to further strengthen collaboration with relevant ministries, local governments, and agencies in various fields to concretize support for prevention-centered health management as a national task and to develop a health-friendly environment that considers health in all policy areas.
Korean summary
본 연구는 지난 17년부터 4년간 준비한 국민건강증진종합계획2030이 발표됨에 따라 수립경과와 주요 변화정책을 분석하고, 수립의 의의를 검토하여 향후 추진방향을 제시하고자 한다. 국민건강증진종합계획2030의 수립은 충분한 준비기간을 통한 지속가능한 중장기 계획의 수립, 모든 사람에 함께 참여하고 만들어가는 정책으로서의 전환, 보편적인 건강수준 향상과 건강형평성 제고를 했다는데 그 의의가 있다 향후 10년간의 국가 건강정책의 목표와 방향을 담은 HP2030 발표를 계기로, 모든 정책 영역에서 건강을 고려하는 건강친화적 환경 구축을 위해 관련 부처와 지자체, 다양한 분야의 주체들과 협력을 강화해야 하겠다.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health