- The Mechanism of Iron Transport after Intratracheal Instillation of Iron in Rats.
Min Kwon, Byung Sun Choi, Eon Sub Park, Nam Hyun Chung, Sungjo Park, Young Lim, Jung Duck Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2004;37(4):329-336. Published online November 30, 2004
Iron (Fe) is an essential element in biological processes; however excessive Fe is harmful to human health. Some air pollutants contain a high level of Fe, and the human lung could therefore be over-exposed to Fe through inhaled air pollutants. This study was performed to investigate the role of metal transporters (divalent metal transporter 1, DMT1, and metal transporter protein 1, MTP1) in the lung under the environments of Fe deficiency in the body and Fe over-exposure in the lung. METHODS: Rats were fed Fe deficient (FeD, 2-6 mg Fe/kg) or Fe supplemented (FeS, 120 mg Fe/kg) diet for 4 weeks, followed by a single intratracheal instillation of ferrous sulfate at low (10 mg/kg) or high (20 mg/kg) dose. Fe concentration was analyzed in the serum, lung and liver, and histopathological findings were observed in the lung at 24 hours after Fe administration. The level of DMT1 and MTP1 expression in the lung was analyzed by RT-PCR. Also, the effect of Fe deficiency in the body was evaluated on the level of Fe concentration and metal transporters compared to FeS-diet fed rats at the end of 4-week FeD or FeS diet. RESULTS: The 4-week FeD diet in rats induced an Fe deficiency anemia with decreased serum total Fe, increased unsaturated Fe binding capacity and hypochromic microcytic red blood cells. The concentration of Fe in the lung and liver was lower in the FeD-diet fed rats than in the FeS-diet fed rats. The level of metal transporters mRNA expression was higher in the FeD-diet fed rats than in the FeS-diet. The concentration of Fe in the lung was increased in a dose-dependent pattern after intratracheal instillation of Fe into the rats, while the level of Fe in the serum and liver was not increased in the low-dose Fe administered rats. Therefore, DMT1 and MTP1 mRNA was highly expressed in both FeD-diet and FeS-diet fed rats, after intratracheal instillation of Fe. CONCLUSIONS: DMT1 and MTP1 mRNA were more highly expressed in FeD-diet fed rats than in FeS-diet fed rats. The over-exposure of Fe intratracheally induced high expression of metal transporters and increased Fe deposition in the lung in both FeD-diet and FeS-diet fed rats, but did not increase the Fe level of the serum and liver in low-dose Fe administered rats. These results suggest that the role of metal transporters in the lung might be different in a part from the duodenum under the environment of over-exposure to Fe.
- Effects of Particulate Matters on A549 and RAW 264.7 Cells.
Young Mann Baak, Ji Hong Kim, Kyoung Ah Kim, Chul Un Ro, Hyung Jung Kim, Young Lim
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(1):41-46.
To investigate the effects of particulate matter (PM), a marker of environmental pollution derived from combustion sources, on lung epithelial cells (A549) and macrophage (RAW 264.7). METHODS: The production of reactive radicals from lung cells, the lipid peroxidation of cell membrane, and the cytotoxicity of PM were measured using an in vitro model. The results were compared with a control group. RESULTS: The presence of PM significantly increased the production of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species with time and in a dose dependent pattern and also increased the malondialdehyde concentration in lung epithelial cells. The cytotoxicity of PM was increased with increasing concentration of PM. CONCLUSIONS: It has been suggested that urban particulate matter causes an inflammatory reaction in lung tissue through the production of hydroxyl radicals, nitric oxides and numerous cytokines. The causal chemical determinant responsible for these biologic effects are not well understood, but the bioavailable metal in PM seems to determine the toxicity of inhaled PM.
- The Diagnostic Role of HRCT in Simple Pneumoconiosis.
Kyoung Ah Kim, Ji Hong Kim, Hwang Sin Chang, Hyeong Sook Ahn, Young Lim, Im Goung Yun
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(3):471-482.
- Early recognition of coalescence in pneumoconiotic lesions is important because such coalescence is associated with the respiratory symptoms and deterioration of lung function. This complicated form of pneumoconiosis also has worse prognosis than does simple pneumoconiosis. High resolution computerized tomography(HRCT) provides significant additional information on the stage of the pneumoconiosis because it easily detects coalescence of nodules and emphysema that may not be apparent on the simple radiograph. The Purpose of this study is to clarify the role of HRCT in detection of large opacity and the relationship of change between the coalescence of nodules or emphysema and lung function in dust exposed workers. 1. There was good correlation between the HRCT grade of pneumoconiosis and ILO category of profusion. 5(9.09%) in 55 study population had confluent nodule extending over two or more cuts on HRCT. HRCT could identify the pneumoconiotic nodules which was not found by simple radiography in 6 workers with category 0/0. 2. No significant difference was observed coalescence of nodules and emphysema by dust type. 3. There was no significant difference in pulmonary function according to ILO and HRCT classification. 4. HRCT could detect the significant reduction in FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEER, FEF25, FEF50, and FEF75 and remarkable increase in RV and TLC in study persons with emphysema compared with non-emphysema group. 5. Emphysema was found more often in nodules-coalescence group than small opacity group by HRCT. We found that HRCT could easily detect areas of coalescence and complicated emphysema compared to plain chest X-ray. Also our data suggest that it is primarily the degree of emphysema rather than the degree of pneumoconiosis that determines the level of pulmonary function.
- A Study on the Early Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis.
Young Lim, Im Goung Yun
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(3):262-273.
- In order to assess the method which is more sensitive one to detect the early change of lung tissue by the inhaled dust, we have performed the various medical examinations such as chest radiography, pulmonary function test, high resolution chest CT, bronchoalveolar lavage and lung biopsy used bronchoscope and ultrathin bronchoscopy examination to 48 persons. The control group were 8 persons who did not exposed to dust, 40 cases of the experimental group have professionally exposed to the mineral dust. The results were as follows ; 1. The total number of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage was significantly increased in all of the pneumoconiosis group classified by chest and high resolution chest CT. 2. The composition rate of macrophage to the total number of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly decreased in all of the pneumoconiosis group compared with the control group. 3. The composition rate of neutophils and lymphocytes to the total number of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly increased in all of the pneumoconiosis group compared with the control group. 4. The forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1.0), maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMF), and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) were significantly increased only in the group of the progressed pneumoconiosis relatively. 5. We observed submocosal edema, anthracotic pigmentation and granuloma formation in transbronchial lung biopsy of the suspected pneumoconiosis (category 0/1) case which is thought to the early change of coal workers' pneumoconiosis.