- Association of Anthropometric Indices with Prevalence of Hypertension in Korean Adults.
Bong Keun Choe, Lack Seong Son, Tai Young Yoon, Joong Myung Choi, Soon Young Park, Dong Joon Lew
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(4):443-451.
To examine the relationship between hypertension prevalence and the four commonest anthropometric measurements for obesity(body mass index(BMI), wasit-hip ratio(WHR), waist circumference(WC) and body fat in Korean adults. METHODS: We studied the cross-sectional association of the anthropometric indices and blood pressure in 1,197 individuals( who were participants in the population-based cohort study). Hypertension was defined as blood pressure 160/95 mmHg or current use of antihypertensive medication. Informations on life-style factors were obtained from personal interview. RESULTS: There were close associations between BMI, WHR and WC with blood pressure in both men and women. After age adjustment, BMI and WC showed significantly positive correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in both men and women. Odds ratio(ORs) of being hypertensive were estimated comparing the highest to the lowest quantile, adjusting for age, smoking status, alcohol intake levels, education attainment. The simultaneously adjusted ORs of being hypertensive, comparing the highest vs the lowest categories, was for BMI 2.0(95% confidence interval(CI)=0.9-3.2) in men and 3.2 (95% CI=1.7-6.1) in women, for WC 2.1(95% CI=1.0-4.4) in men and 3.1(95% CI=1.6-5.9) in women, for fat(%) 4.2(95% CI=1.9-9.5) in men and 2.1(95% CI=1.2-3.6) in women. CONCLUSION: In addition to measures of overall obesity(BMI) as well as central obesity(WHR, WC), body fat(%) was independently associated with prevalence of hypertension. Among obesity indices, body fat was the most predictor variable in hypertensive state in male and BMI was in female.
- A Study on the Body Fatness and Lifestyles of Some Medical Students.
Dong Kee Ahn, Joong Myung Choi, Tai Young Yoon, Dong Joon Lew, Soon Young Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(1):85-102.
- This study was carried out to evaluate the associations between lifestyles and Body Mass Index in a group of 349 male and 65 female medical students, ages 17 to 31 years. 20.0% of male students and 3.1% of female student showed the over weight in the classification of obesity by Japan Society for Study of Obesity. There was no statistically significance in the comparison of the height body weight, body mass index, obesity index and body fat(%) according to grade in both sexes. But male students showed increasing tendency of waist-hip ratio with grade. According to obesity category, there was significant difference in the comparison of body weight, body mass index , obesity index, waist-hip ratio and body fat(%), but height. Body mass index was positively related with waist-hip ratio(r=0.6150, p=0.0001) and fat(%)(r=0.5101, p=0.0001) in males and waist-hip ratio (r=0.4734, p=0.001) and fat(%)(r=0.4522, p=0.002)in females. This study provides an opportunity to further examine the relationship of sociodemographic factors and health behaviors to obesity, and suggest the basic concept to match the obesity study to general eqidemiological cohort studies for controlling of chronic adult diseases.
- A Study on Growth Acceleration in Korean as Indirected by the Maximum Growth Age in body Height.
Hyung Gyun Shin, Soon Young Park, Yang Won Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1984;17(1):173-192.
- On the basis of the study intended to research by crosssectional study keeps pace with semilongitudinal study the growthaccelerating phenomena that Maximum Growth age in teenager's body-height. By the random sampling method, the subject of study are 12659 persons(male;6355, female;6304) that they are from 7 ages to 17 ages in the whole country including the rural community. The measurement period passed three month days, the statistical data became electronic data processing system with computer.The other side, body-height and MGA of Koreans who had been for during the period from 1925 to 1966 proved transition of the growth-accelerating phenomena by research data reported between 1913 and 1983. The results are as follows; 1. The Growth and Development-Value of Body-height. An age bracket the growth and development-value of body-height were, respectively, male is 123.88+/-5.05cm and female is 123.29+/-5.54cm for 7 ages group. these indices increased with age. The top-value reach, respectively. 169.08+/-5.62cm and 157.57+/-6.13cm. The intersecting ages of male and female were the age 8.5~12.5, during these periods, female excelled male but after these periods, male excelled female again. In case of body-height, MGA's are 7.0cm for male between 12 and 13 age, and 7.01cm for female between 8 and 9 ages. As a rule, body-height of male excelled female but intersection phenomena of male and female appeared between 8.5 and 12.5 ages. By reginal groups, it is most prevailing is Seoul, and medium size cities and rural community come in order. By regional groups, intersection phenomena of male and female are. a region of Seoul; 8.5~11.5 ages, a region of Daejeon; 7.5~9.5 ages, rural community; 11.5~14.5 ages the whole country's average; 8.5~12.5 ages By regional groups, the rate of maximum increase in a year are a regional of Seoul; male is 7.23cm as 13 ages, female is 7.65cm as 9 ages. a region of Daejeon; male is 7.85cm as 11 ages, female is 8.39cm as 9 ages. rural community; male is 7.65cm as 14 ages, female is 6.25 as 12 ages. the whole country's average; male is 7.0cm as 13 ages, female is 7.01 as 9 ages. 2. Maximum Growth Age (M.G.A.) By reginal groups, maximum Growth Age's are as below in a region of Seoul, MGA's are 12.63 for male and 9.01 for female, which shows that MGA for female appears about 3.5 years earlier than that for male. In a retion of Daejeon, MGA's are 9.20 for male and 8.93 for female, which show that they are all much the same in M.G.A. In rural community, MGA's are 14.00 for male and 11.89 for female, which shows that MGA for female appears about 2 years earlier than that for male. In the whole average, MGA's are 13.01 for male and 8.97 for female, which shows that for female appears about 4 years earlier than that for male. For boy, M.G.A. shows fastest-growing in Daegjeon, and Seoul and rural community come in order. For girl, It shows equal growth in Seoul and Daejeon, rural community comes later. 3. The M.G.A's in body height of male are respectively the age 15.02 in 1913, 14.23 in 1956, 13.86 in 1967, 13.62 in 1975, and 12.82 in 1981, while those of female are the age 12.0 in 1940, 11.52 in 1965, 9.53 in 1975, ad 11.16 in 1980; these data show that the MGA of the Koreans has been getting younger. 4. The equation of linear regression of all the MGA's in body height are as follow; Male: Y(M.G.A) = -0.020 x (the year) + 15.19 : female: Y(MGA) = -0.028 x (the year) + 13.2549. 5. The corelation of all the MGA's in body height are as below; male;r=-0.329, female;r=-0.252. 6. From the transition of the growth-accelating phenomena in 1980 we can capture the fact that the MGA's has been getting younger by 0.2 year per 10 years. 7. The MGA's in bodyheight are shown in table 4. 8. The future growth-accelating phenomena in body height are expected to show the similar tondency like that of the past, in 1910's but it should by more precisely reviewed after investigating the phenomena of the years directly ahead.
- Studies on Standard Physical Growth and Development by Age and Body Height in Korean Youth.
Kwang Tai Ahn, Soon Young Park, Yang Won Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1984;17(1):145-172.
- In order to assess the physical growth pattern of Korean Youth, the authors measured the body height, chestgirth and sitting height of 40967 persons (24832 males and 16135 females) from primary schools, middle and high schools and colleges of metropolitan (urban) and rural areas, and calculated the mene, standard deviation, standard error and coefficient variance of the body weight chestgirth, sitting height and various pertinent index by body height to demonstrate the standard physical growth and development by body height of sex and age. The following conclusions were obtained. 1. Physical growth and development: Rapid growth of physical growth in terms of body height has been observed among males in the age 7-15 and among female 7-13. Growth in terms of body height turned out to be slower among students of higher age by both sexes. The age of cross over between to sexes is between 10 to 13 years where upon girls out grows boys. Maximum annual growth were upon girls out grows boys. Maximum annual growth were both of 6.16cm from 8 to 9 years old and 12 to 13 years old for boys and 7.2cm from 8 to 9 and 6.1cm from 9 to 10 for girls. This indicates that girls enter a rapidly growing stage 2 years earlier than boys. Meanwhile, prominent improvement in body height of national students over period of ten year was noticed. 2. The distribution status of body height by age: The distribution status of body height by age were as follows; 7 year of age: boys-30cm range of body height from 104.0cm to 133.9cm, girls-27cm from 104.0 to 130.9cm, 8 year of age: boys-30cm from 116.0 to 145.9cm, girls-33cm from 113.0 to 145.9cm, 9 year of age: boys-30cm from 116.0 to 145.9cm, girls-33cm from 113.0 to 145.9cm, 10 year of age: boys-39cm from 116.0 to 154.9cm, girls-39cm from 119.0 to 157.9cm, 11 year of age: boys-45cm from 119.0 to 163.9cm, girls-39cm from 122.0 to 160.9cm, 12 year of age: boys-45cm from 125.0 to 169.9cm, girls-42cm from 125.0 to 166.9cm, 13 year of age: boys-45cm from 128.0 to 172.9cm, girls-42cm from 128.0 to 169.9cm, 14 year of age: boys-48cm from 131.0 to 178.9cm, girls-36cm from 134.0 to 169.9cm, 15 year of age: boys-42cm from 137.0 to 181.9cm, girls-33cm from 137.0 to 169.9cm, 16 year of age: boys-39cm from 146.0 to 184.9cm, girls-30cm from 143.0 to 172.9cm, 17 year of age: boys-39cm from 146.0 to 184.9cm, girls-27cm from 143.0 to 169.9cm, 18 year of age: boys-36cm from 152.0 to 187.9cm, girls-27cm from 146.0 to 172.9cm, 19 year of age: boys-30cm from 155.0 to 184.9cm girls-24cm from 146.0 to 169.9cm, 20 year of age: boys-24cm from 158.0 to 181.9cm girls-18cm from 149.0 to 166.9cm, 3. Standard values of body weight, chest-girth and sitting height by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-a to 16-a. 4. Standard values of relative body weight, relative chestgirth and relative sitting height by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-b to 16-b. 5. Standard values of physical and nutritional indices (Rohrer index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index and Pelidisi index) by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-c to 16-c.
- Study on Physical Growth and Development and Nutritional Status in Korea.
Soon Young Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1979;12(1):121-124.
- No abstract available.
- Study on the Ideal Adapted Body Weight of Korean Adults Men with Reference to 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59 Age-group.
Soon Young Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1977;10(1):44-51.
- In oder to determine values for the body weight by height groups for Korean adults men who are fully grown up 4028(30-39 age-group:2318, 40-49 age-group: 1340, and 50-59 age-group:370) apparently healthy males subjects were randomly selected for the measurement of body weight by height groups. 1) The average body height and weight of Korean adult men were 168.3+/-4.6cm and 63.4+/-7.1kg in 30-39 age group, 167.7+/-4.7cm and 63.4+/-7.4kg in 40-49 age group, and 167.3+/-5.2cm and 63.3+/-8.0kg in 50-59 age group. 2) A correlation coefficient of r=+0.52(P<0.001) between body height and weight was found in 30-39 ate group of 2318 subject, r=+0.48(P<0.001) in 40-49 of 1340 and r=+0.53(P<0.001) in 50-59 of 370 with the aid of there coefficients of linear regression body weight and height were established for male as follow; for 30-39 age group, Y(weight in kg)=0.81X(height in cm)-73.02, 40-49 age group, Y(weight in kg)=0.74X(height in cm)-61.82, 50-59 age group, Y(weight in kg)=0.82X(height in cm)-73.83. 3) With the aid of above listed various equation standard values for body weight by height group, with over weighing and under weighing values were established. 4) Standard bodyweight of Korean was lower than those of American, Japanese and several other formulas for ideal body weight.
- A Study on the Water Pollution of Mountain Wells around Seoul Area.
Yang Won Park, Pyong Kap Lee, Hyung Suk Kim, Soon Young Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):37-42.
- Mountain Wells are very important water source of the most the climbers in Seoul area. But the facilities around the wells are not modernized to prevent from contamination of microorganism and the other pollutants. We focussed our intention on the detection of some harmful chemical ingredients and contaminants. A total of 58 wells were examined according to the Standard Methods(APHA) and the following results were obtained : 1) Among the examined 58 wells, only 10 wells adequate to the drinking water standard, 2) 7.9mg of liberated CO2 was found in the Tchun-Ho-Dong Mineral Well, 3) Chemically harmful ingredients were not found, 4) The Mountain Wells were contaminated by Coliform Groups as many as 18 times than rural well.
- A Study on Public Nuisance in Han River and Nackdong River: Part II. Survey on Water Pollution.
Chul Hwan Cha, Young Soon Shin, Soon Young Park, Kwang Soo Cho, Chong Yoo Choo, Kyo Sung Kim, Dug Il Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1971;4(1):65-76.
- In view of ever rising water pollution problems of river in the vicinity of large urban communities, the author has made an investigation on the pollution of water sampled from Han River (Seoul area) and Nakdong River (Daegu city area) during the period from july to December, 1970. The water samples were taken twice a month during the study period of 6 months from 7 points (locations) along the main stream of Han River at Seoul city and 5 points of Nakdong River at Daegu city. The samples ware measured and analyzed in accordance with the recognized methods in the "Standard Methods or Examination of Water and waste" by American Public Health Association. The obtained results are as follows: I.Han River. 1. Average turbidity was 5.1 units ranging from 1 to 10 units and the turbidity of down stream was higher than that of the upper stream. 2. pH value showed slight alkalinity (mean ; 7.2) except Yunchang-Dong (6.9). 3. The mean value of Dissolved Oxygen contents (D.O) was 7.2 ppm (range of 3.4-10.5ppm). D.O of the upper stream (8.2 ppm. at Walker Hill boating place, 8.0 ppm. at the Gwangzang Bridge and Ddookdo) was higher than that of he downstream (5.6ppm. at Yunchang-Dong. 6.4ppm. at the 2nd Han River Bridge), and D.O in the winter season was higher than that in the summer season, respectively. 4. The mean value of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) was 28.3 ppm. (range of 6.2-64.8ppm). The mean value of B.O.D. was 48.7 ppm. at Yunchang-Dong. 42.3ppm. at the 2nd Han River Bridge, 34.0 ppm. at the 1st Han River bridge, 28.5 ppm. at the 3rd Han River Bridge, 19.2 ppm. at Dookdo, 13.2 ppm. at the Gwangzang Bridge, and 10.2 ppm. at the Walker Hill boating place in order of value. B.O.D. in July and August (35.6 and 34.5 ppm.) were the highest and that in November and December (18.6 and 21.2 ppm.) were the lowest. 5. Suspended Solids (SS) were from 15.0 to 667.0 ppm. with the mean of 222.1 ppm "Suspended Solids" of the water samples at Yunchang-Dong and the 2nd Han River Bridge were found to be 378.1 ppm. and 283.9 ppm. respectively which were higher than at the Gwangzang Bridge (134.1ppm.) and at Walker Hill boating place (79.3ppm). 6. Coliform colonies counting of the water samples ranged from 0-2, 500x10/100ml. with the mean value of 205.6x10/100ml. The most contaminated water sample by coliform were from the point of the 2nd Han River Bridge with 640.8x10/100ml while the lowest ones were from Walker Hill boating place with 17.2x10/100ml. There was also a seasonal variation in coliform contamination that is the higher in summer and the lower in winter. II. Nakdong River. 1. The mean value of turbidity was 2.3 units with range of 0 to 9.0 units. The highest point was at Geumho River (7.2 units). and the lowest point was at Gangzung and Moonsan (0.45 and 0.41 units). 2. The mean value of pH was 7.5 (range of 7.1-8.5) and highest point was Geunho River with 8.5. 3. The mean value of D.O was 8.1ppm. (range of 3.4-11.2 ppm.). D.O. of the upper stream showed higher value than that of the down stream, and the winter season than the summer season. 4. B.O.D. ranged from 2.6 to 57.0 ppm. (mean; 20.4 ppm.). The water sample at Geumho River showed the highest value (41.5ppm) while at Moonsan and Gangzung showed the lowest (4.6 and 4.7 ppm.). 5. The mean value of suspended solids was 48.7 ppm. (range of 4.0-182.0 ppm.). The highest month was July (63.7 ppm.) and August (62.1 ppm.) and the lowest month was October (37.0 ppm.) and December (24.4 ppm.). 6. The mean value of the coliform colonies was 22.7x10/100ml. (range of 0-243x10/100ml.). The highest number of the colonies was found in the sample water at the Whawon recreation area (50.5x10/100ml.) followed by the Geumho River (33.9x10/100ml;), the Goryung Bridge (28.3x10/100ml.), Gangzung(0.7x10/100ml), and Moonsan (0.6x10/100ml.).
- A Study on Status of Birth and Death in an Urban Area.
Yang Won Park, Pyong Kap Lee, Soon Young Park, Soon Ja Koh
Korean J Prev Med. 1971;4(1):19-30.
- A survey was conducted by the staff of the Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Kyung Hee University, School of Medicine, from April through May 1971, on such events as delivery, death, abortion and family planning. The survey directed to a total population 6,552 (Male 3,133; Female 3,419) residing in this area (1,262 households) led us to the following findings : 1) Two year averages of crude birth rate, crude death rate and natural increase rates were 24.9, 5.0 and 19.9 respectively. 2) Infant death rates for the years 1969 and 1970 were 13.2 and 5.8 respectively, mean for the two year period being 9.3. 3) Hospital deliveries rated 68.5 percent, Home deliveries 28.4 percent and deliveries at midwives' offices 2.7 percent. 4) Deliveries other than hospital and midwives' office deliveries were found to be attended more often by mothers. 5) About 41.4 percent of all pregnant women during last two years received prenatal care once or more. 6) The induced abortion rate was 6.7 percent in 1969 and 7.5 percent in 1970. 7) The spontaneous abortion rate was 1.1 percent in 1969 and 1.4 percent in 1970. 8) Hypertension was the most frequent cause of adult death(21.6%). 9) The rate of current practice in family planning was 43.3 percent of all women.
- On Pattern of Birth and Death in Seoul City.
E Hyock Kwon, Tae Ryong Kim, Hyung Jong Park, Do Suo Koo, Yong Wook Lee, Soon Young Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1968;1(1):9-24.
- A survey was conducted by the staff of the College of Medicine and School of Public Health, Seoul National University in cooperation with Seoul Special City from 1 December 1967 through 28 February 1968, on such events as delivery, death, abortion and pregnancy. The survey directed to a total population of 47,811 residing in 9,157 households led us to the following findings: 1. Two year averages of crude birth rate, crude death rate and natural increase rate were 30.1, 5.6 and 24.5, respectively. 2. Of all deliveries, home and hospital deliveries constituted 61.1 per cent and 35.5 per cent, respectively. 3. Deliveries other than hospital deliveries were found to be attended more often by mother-in-laws(26.5 per cent) than by doctors or midwives(23.4 per cent). 4. About 52 per cent of all women having experiences in pregnancy during the last two years had an experience of consulting a doctor at least one time throughout whole period of pregnancy. 5. In most cases scissors were used to cut umbilical cords, of which 71.0 per cent were not sterilized and only 28.3 per cent sterilized. 6. In many cases placenta was incinerated(48,2 per cent) and on many other occasions it was thrown away into water(28.3 per cent). 7. Cement page(37.4 per cent), gauze and absorbent cotton(29.8 per cent)were found to be most frequently used to receive new-born babies. 8. In 1966 8.8 per cent of the women had at least one abortion induced and in 1967 the percentage was 9.2 per cent. 9. Nearly all(95.8 per cent) of the induced abortions reportedly were done at doctor's clinics. 10. Of all the abortions induced 65.3 per cent were done by specialists in obstetrics, 30.3 per cent by general practitioners and 2.7 per cent by midwives. 11. Those who experienced spontaneous abortions were 1.9 per cent of all women both in 1966 and 1967. 12. About 9.2 per cent of women investigated were found to be currently pregnant. 13. Age specific death rate turned out to be highest among those under 1 year of age. 14. Ten major causes of death in their order of frequency were: 15. Places of death can be classified into homes(75.3 per cent) and hospitals(13.2 per cent). 16. Method of disposing of corpses comprised burials(54.2 per cent) and cremations(44.6 per cent). 17. Infant, neonatal and hebdomadal mortality rates have been computed at 32.2, 18.9 and 13.7, respectively. 18. Infants were found to have died either at homes(81.5 per cent) or at hospitals(18.5 per cent). 19. Birth registrations had been done for about 18.5 per cent of the dead infants.