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Moonkyong Hwang 1 Article
Sources of Infection Among Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Jeju Province, Korea
Moonkyong Hwang, Jong-Myon Bae
J Prev Med Public Health. 2021;54(4):245-250.   Published online June 30, 2021
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Jeju Province in Korea reported 627 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases between January 20, 2020, and March 31, 2021. This study analyzed the sources of infection among confirmed cases in Jeju Province, a self-governed island.
The sources of infection were broadly categorized as follows: (1) infections from overseas (confirmed patients who reported travel overseas or contact with overseas travelers); (2) infections from outside Jeju Province (confirmed patients who had visited other provinces or had contact with individuals who had traveled to other provinces in Korea); and (3) unknown sources of infection (confirmed patients who were infected following contact with an infected person whose source of infection was unknown). The chi-square test was used to analyze the differences in the distributions of related variables for each source of infection.
Of the 627 confirmed cases, 38 (6.1%) were infections from overseas sources, 199 (31.7%) were from outside of Jeju Province, and 390 (62.2%) were from unknown sources. Jeju Province had no cases with an unknown source of infection during the first and second waves of the nationwide outbreak.
Infections from overseas sources could be blocked from spreading to local communities in Jeju Province by conducting screening at the airport, along with the preemptive suspension of visa-free entry. In addition, considering the scale of the nationwide outbreak, measures must be established to delay outbreaks from unknown sources of infection caused by sources outside Jeju Province.
Korean summary
제주도 COVID-19 확진지의 감염원은 다음의 3가지로 대분할 수 있었다. (1) 해외유입 감염원: 해외 방문력이 있거나 해외 방문력이 있는 확진자와 접촉한 적이 있는 확진자; (2) 도외유입 감염원: 국내 타시도 방문력이 있거나 타시도 확진자와 접촉한 적이 있는 확진자; (3) 감염원 미상: 감염경로를 특정할 수 없는 도내 확진자와 이들과 접촉하여 확진자가 된 경우. 이중 해외유입군에 대하여는 선제적인 무비자 중지 결정과 함께 공항만에서의 선별검사를 시행하여 해외유입에 의한 지역사회 전파 가능성을 막을 수 있음을 확인하였다. 반면, 전국의 유행 크기와 맞물러, 도외 유입군으로 인한 감염미상군 발생 시점을 최대한 미룰 수 있는 방안들을 개발할 필요가 있겠다.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health