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Jong Soon Park 2 Articles
Folate and Homocysteine Levels during Pregnancy affect DNA Methylation in Human Placenta.
Bo hyun Park, Young Ju Kim, Jong soon Park, Hwa young Lee, Eun hee Ha, Jung won Min, Hye sook Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(4):437-442.
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DNA methylation is one of the best characterized epigenetic mechanisms that play a regulatory role in genome programming and imprinting during embryogenesis. In this present study, we investigated the association between DNA methylation in the human placenta and the maternal folate and homocysteine concentrations on the Methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) genetic polymorphism during pregnancy. METHODS: We investigated 107 pregnant women who visited Ewha Woman's University Hospital for prenatal care during their 24~28 weeks-period of gestation. During the second trimester, we measured the serum homocysteine and folate concentrations. The MTHFR 677 genetic polymorphism was determine by performing PCR-RFLP assay. The expression of DNA methylation in the human placentas was estimated by using immunohistochemistry method. RESULTS: Serum folate was negatively correlated with the serum homocysteine concentration for all the MTHFR genotypes. We found positive correlation between the folate concentrations and the DNA methylation in the human placenta (p< 0.05). An increasing concentration of homocysteine was associated with reduced DNA methylation in the human placenta. The coefficient value was -2.03 (-3.77, -0.29) on the regression model (p< 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the maternal folate and homocysteine levels along with the MTHFR 677 genetic polymorphism during pregnancy affect the DNA methylation in the human placenta.
A Study for Effects of Economic Growth Rate and Unemployment Rate to Suicide Rate in Korea.
Jong Soon Park, June Young Lee, Soon Duck Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 2003;36(1):85-91.
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We investigated the effects of the economic growth and unemployment rates on the suicide rate in Korea, between 1983 and 2000, using a time-series regression model. The purpose of this study was to model and test the magnitude of the rate of suicide, with the Korean unemployment rate and GDP. METHODS: Using suicide rate per 100, 000 Koreans and the unemployment rates between 1983 and 2000, as published by the Korea National Statistical Office, and the rate of fluctuation of the Korean GDP (Gross Domestic Product), as provided by the Bank of Korea, as an index of the economic growth rate, a time-series regression analysis, with a first-order autoregressive regression model, was performed. RESULTS: An 81.5% of the variability in the suicide rate was explained by GDP, and 82.6% of that was explained by the unemployment rate. It was also observed that the GDP negatively correlated with the suicide rate, while the unemployment and suicide rates were positively correlated. For subjects aged over 20, both the GDP and unemployment rate were found to be a significant factors in explaining suicide rates, with coefficients of determination of 86.5 and 87.9%, respectively. For subjects aged under 20, however, only the GDP was found to be a significant factor in explaning suicide rates (the coeficient of determination is 38.4%). CONCLUSION: It was found that the suicide rate was closely related to the National's economic status of Korea, which is similar to the results found in studies in other countries. We expected, therefore, that this study could be used as the basis for further suicide-related studies.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health