- Validation of Neurobehavioral Tests for Occupational Screening (NTOS): results of patients of Parkinson's disease.
Chae Yong Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):577-584.
- Validation and Standardization of neurobehavioral instrument in Korean occupational setting has not been studied ever. This study tried to validate the newly developed computerized psychomotor tests, Neurobehavioral Tests for Occupational Screening (NTOS). Male patients with Parkinson's disease(n=12) and male workers who never exposed to occupational neurotoxic materials and didn't have neurologic disease(n=21), performed some tests from NTOS; simple reaction time, choice reaction time(2 choice), and finger tapping(both hands). In simple analysis, difference between patient group and worker group was significantly great. Adjusted for age and education years, simple reaction time and finger tapping(both hand) were statistically significantly different between two groups(p<.05). Choice reaction time was also different(p<.1) but error frequency of choice reaction time test was not. Generally, this results showed NTOS could detect impairment of psychomotor function. But insensitive results of choice reaction time was partly due to small sample size and confounding variables and so required future study and refinement at improvement of NTOS.
- Reliability and Validity of PWI (Psychosocial Wellbeing Index).
Chae Yong Lee, Jong Young Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):255-264.
- To study reliability and validity of PWl, this newly developed self-administered questionnaire which measures stress, was given to medial students. All respondent(133) were followed 4 weeks later and 92 were retested. Cronbach's a coefficient of data was 0.93. Test-retest reliability measured by pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.72(p<0.01l). Exploratory factor analysis(EFA) performed by principal axis factor method without iteration and by varimax rotation explored 13 principal components(eigenvalues > l). After exploring 4 factor structure according to previous study results, factor 1 showed good agreement but other factors did not. Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) showed poor fit of 4 factor model to data. In the further study, it may be considered to model that has unidimensional factor structure.