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C W Cha 1 Article
Studies on the Cackroach Distribution from the House in Seoul City Area.
C W Cha, K S Ham, S K Ahn, D W Park, S H Koo, Y I Han
Korean J Prev Med. 1969;2(1):77-80.
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In tile cities nowadays. the dwelling conditions of Carckroach are provided by use of various kinds of construction material, installation of heating and cooling facilities that maintain moderate temperature, filthy sanitation, and lack of knowledge about insect as mechanical Vector. Cackroach is infectious disease Vector, and it proves to be of much importance in the public health. Considering such importance, the author has surveyed the distribution of Cackroach in the housing areas of Seoul City from May 1969 to the end of August 1969, and has come to the following conclusion ; 1. House dwelling Cackroach collected in the City of Seoul are of two species, i. e. Blatella Germanica Linneaus and Periplaneta Japonica Karny. 2. Most of cackroach collected in Seoul are Blatella Germanica Linneaus and they are distributed in whole area of Seoul while that of Periplaneta Japonica Karny is distributed only in the limited area. 3. Dwelling places of Blatella Germanira Lineaus are in grog shop, Korean food restaurants, bakery shops. and patient rooms in hospitals. Many of them are found in the kitchens and dining rooms of restaurants, and tearooms. They live in groups at older houses with much crack, warm and humid places. 4. For method of collection, the hand collection was the most effective. In trap collection during the day time, when the trap is placed at the narrow corners off the ground after confirming the dwelling places of cackroach, the match trap was more effective than the flask trap in collecting. In case of collecting during the night time, the flask trap was much more effective method than the match trap.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health