The methods controlling the confounding factors were discussed using the data of secondary infertility with induced abortion. Mantel-Haenszel method and logistic model were applied in the analysis to find out which factors were confounding and/or effect modificaton variables. In the logistic analysis, the main effect of induced abortion, spontaneous abortion, age and interaction effect between induced abortion and spontaneous abortion werechosen as independent variables being regressed into logistic functions. Spontaneons abortion was interpreted as a potential confounder and at the same time potential effect modifier and age wasinterpreted as potential confounder. Spontaneous abortion was shown to be more important influencing factor than age to the secondary infertility. In the course of logistic analysis, the problem of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, assessing the fitness of a model, and selection of the best model were briegy explained. For the program of logistic model, FUNCAT Procedure of SAS package was chosen.