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Original Article Statistical Studies on the Gestation and Delivery on the Pregnant Women and on the Neonates.
Joong Myung Choi
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1984;17(1):193-202
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Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea.
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Clinical and statistical observations were performed on 1,930 cases of pregnant women who were admitted for delivery in the Department of Obstetrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital during 1 year (1982) and on 1,961 cases of neonates who were born to the former. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Concerning maternal age distribution, the commonest age group was that of 25~29 and the proportion of the age group 20-29 was 82.4% of all. 2 Concerning obstetrical history, the proportion of the women who had no prior experience of delivery nor abortion was the highest, 45.5%. 3. Concerning abortion history, 36.1% of the women had experienced it and the mean number was 1.8. 4. Type of delivery was as follows: Spontaneous delivery; 58.1%, Vacuum extracted delivery; 22.4%, Cesarean section; 18.8%, Breech delivery; 0.7%. 5. Gestational period distribution of the neonates was as follows: Under 37 weeks (Preterm); 7.1%, Between 38 and 42 weeks (Terms); 87.2%, More than 43 weeks (Postterm); 5.7%. 6. Sex ratio of male to female of the neonates was 1.03 : 1. 7. Birth weight distribution was as follows: Under 2,500gm.; 9.0%, Between 2,501 and 4,000gm.; 85.5%, More than 4,001gm.; 5.5%. 8. The measured growth data of neonates were as follows: Body weight; 3.28kg. for male, 3.18kg. for female, Body height; 50.40cm for male, 49.77cm for female, Chest circumference; 32.54cm for male, 32.17cm for female, Head circumference; 33.49cm for male, 33.11cm for female. 9. The mean values of Apgar score per 1 minute were 7.70 for male and 7.63 for female. 10. The incidence rate of neonatal jaundice was 50.0% and no difference in sex respectively, but more prevalent in preterm baby. 11. The incidence rate of neonatal diseases was 8.9% and the commonest disease was neonatal infection (35.6%). 12. Concerning multiple pregnancy, ratio to single births was 1 : 64.3 and the sex ratio of male to female was 1 : 1.03. 13. The incidence rate of congenital anomaly was 2.4% and the commonest anomaly was digestive system anomaly (30.9%). 14. The neonatal mortality rate was 11.73 per 1,000 neonates, and the majority of neonatal deaths were in low birth weight and preterm neonates (78.3%). 15. The causes of neonatal deaths in decreasing order of frequency were abnormal ventilation (39.1%), prematurity (30.4%), congenital anomaly (13.0%) and etc.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health