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Original Article An Assessment of Air Pollution using Pollutant Standards Index (PSI): 1983~1984 in Seoul.
Yong Chung, Jae Yeon Jang, Sook Pyo Kwon
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1986;19(1):65-75
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Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
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In order to assess the general health effect due to air pollution and to determine the critical pollutant which is meant by the worst effect to health among various pollutants in Seoul, air quality measurements at 10 sites during 1983~1984 were analyzed using Pollutant Standards Index (PSI): This index has been ultimately proposed to describe the comprehensive degree of the air pollution by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) since 1976. Total average of PSI in Seoul during the two years was 139 that is described in "unhealthful". The highest PSI appeared in Winter 183 through the 2 years, the lowest in Summer 99, and Spring 129 and Fall 150 respectively. PSI in Deungchon dong and Seongsu dong which are industrial areas were very high in terms of "very unhealthful", while Shinlim dong was shown in low in terms of "good". TSP was a priority pollutant in Seoul as the most frequently occurring critical pollutant. Its frequency was 76.4% in Spring, 86.0% in Summer, 78.0% in Fall and 44.2% in Winter during the 2 years. In Winter, TSP X SO2 was an important term as the critical pollutant in Seoul. Oxidant was the most frequently occurring critical pollutant in Kwangwhamoon through the whole seasons. It was recommended that the PSI could be used to assess the air pollution administratively and legally in context with public health.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health