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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 21(2); 1988 > Article
Original Article Causes of Burn and Emergency Care on the Spot for the Patients Admitted to Three Hospitals in Taegu.
Min Chu, Jung Han Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1988;21(2):238-244
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This study was conducted to investigate the causes of burn and emergency cares taken on the spot for the burn patient. study population included 161 burn patients admitted to 2 university hospitals and 1 general hospital in Taegu from November 1, 1987 to April 30, 1988. Patients or guardians were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Out of 161 burn patients 111(69.8%) were males and 50(31.1%) females. Preschool children of 1-4 years old accounted for 29.8% of the total patients. Burns of children under 15 years of age took place at home in 91.0%, while 48.3% of burns of adult (15 years and over) males occurred at the working place, and 68.0% of adult females occurred at the home. Out of total burns occurred at home 39.8% took place at kitchen/dining room and 24.1% in the room. The most common cause of burns in children was the boiling water or hot food (74.3%). In adults the common causes were electrical burn(22.4%), hot water or food(19.0%) and explosion(12.1%) for males, and hot water or food(32.0%) and explosion(20.0%) for females. Common emergency cares for the burn taken on the spot were undressing(64.6%), pouring Soju(liquor)(13.7%), and pouring cold water(5.0%). There were a few cases who applied ash, soy or salt. To prevent burn, it is recommended to remodel the traditional kitchen and coal-briquet hole, to strengthen the safety control of LP Gas and LN Gas supply, to educate the public for the handling method for such gases, to strengthen the occupational safety control, to improve the safety device for the electric wire and socket, and to limit the temperature of hot water at home and public baths.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health