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Original Article Bacteriological Mass Survey on Prostitutes for American Soldiers.
Doo Hie Kim, Young Shik Kim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1975;8(1):83-88
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This survey was carried out on about 240 prostitutes for American soldiers in Bong-Deok Venereal Diseases Clinic, Daegu Korea, through 2 times for two months from October and November 1974. The culture method was used identifing Neisseria and Mimeae species carbohidrate fermentation test was ferformed with phenol red broth base added human serum. Resistance test was informed with disc method in chocholete agar plate. The discs were made by Jong-Geon Dang Pham. Co.. Seoul, Korea. The carrierate of Neisseria genorrheae was 9.8% and there were relatively many carriers of Mimeae. If the direct smear is used only in microscopic diagnosis, it is easily confused to differentiate Gonococcus and Mima, a kind of coccobacilli. Gonococcus resistance to penicillin G was found in one out of 5 cases tested. The most of Mimeae was resist to penicillin G, but the broad spectrum antibiotics such as chloramphenico1 and gentamycin etc was moderatly sensitive.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health