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Original Article Studies on Benzo(a)pyrene of the Suspended Particulate in Atmosphere of Seoul City.
Sook Pyo Kwon, Yong Chung, Dong Koo Lim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1978;11(1):65-75
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This study was carried out to investigate air pollution by total suspended particulate(T.S.P.), benzene soluble matter and benzo(a)pyrene in Seoul city. The sampling areas were divided into commercial(Kwang Hwa Moon), industrial(Ku Ro Dong) and residential area(Shin Chon). Sampling was undertaken by High Volume Air Sampler for four seasons from January 1977 to November 1977. The T.S.P. was extracted with Soxhlet apparatus by benzene and benzo(a)pyrene was separated by column chromatography and thin layer chromatography. The concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene were measured by means of fluorophotometer, and following results were obtained. 1. Arithmetic average concentration for 1-day averaging time of total suspended particulate were 275.6 microgram/m3 in Kwang Hwa moon, 325.9 microgram/m3 in Ku Ro Dong and 193.0 microgram/m3 in Shin Chon. 2. The seasonal variance of total suspended particulate at Ku Ro Dong and Shin Chon were 102.7 microgram/m3 99.6 microgram/m3 respectively and at Kwang Hwa Moon 39.9 microgram/m3. And the concentration of autumn is higher than of that spring at Ku Ro Dong and at Shin Chon, but at Kwang Hwa Moon, the seasonal variance is very little. 3. The concentrations of 50% frequency from geometric mean for 1-day averaging time were 264 microgram/m3 and 178 microgram/m3 at Kwang Hwa Moon, Ku Ro Dong and Shin Chon. And geometric standard deviation were 1.27, 1.38 and 1.41 respectively. 4. The concentrations of benzene soluble mater were 26.9 microgram/m3 Kwang Hwa Moon, 22.7 microgram/m3 at Ku Ro Dong and 15.5 microgram/m3 at Shin Chon, and the ratios to the T.S.P. were 9.8%(range 5.6-14.8%), 7.0%(range 2.4-14.4%) and 8.0%(range 5.5-22.1%) respectively. 5. The concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene were 8.5 microgram/m3 (range 0.8-29.9 microgram/m3 ) at Kwang Hwa Moon 10.9 microgram/m3 (range 1.1-52.0 microgram/m3 ) at Ku Ro Dong and 5.8 microgram/m3 (range 1.5-11.4 microgram/m3) at Shin Chon. 6. The results of this investigation were relatively high in compared with the recommended standards of suspended particulate in air of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and observed levels of Benzo(a)-pyrene in U.S. city.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health