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Original Article
Effect of the non-Medical Services on Attitude to Hospital Utilization.
Hyun Kyung Lee, Im Won Chang
Korean J Prev Med. 1988;21(2):442-450.
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Effects of various factors related to the process of social action of hospital services on the selecting a hospital were investigated by using of questionnaires answered by 1,319 patients in a certain University Hospital, in Chungchongnam-Do, from November, 1986 to November, 1987. The results summarized were as follows ; 1. Each of the examined factors, that is, sincerity of an attendant physician in medical treatment and explaining the condition of a disease, confidence to doctor and nurse, doctor's and nurse's response to calling by patient, kindness of the hospital staffs and food handlers, sanitariness of hospital, cleanness of clothes and bed sheets, hospital foods, and rest surroundings, are not solely decisive to attitude of hospital utilization, but the factors effects compositely on hospital utilization. 2. Hospital services of the social action process are more effective to hospital utilization in cases of the hospitalization caused by the traffic facility than for the medical skill and facilities.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health