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Evaluation on Hearing Conservation Program in the Noisy Industries.
M S Kwak, J T Lee, J H Kim, S H Urm, D H Kim, Byung Chul Son, C H Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):815-829.
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This study was performed to assist the employer to establish the effective program for hearing conservation of noisy industry. The study subjects were health care managers of an industry and the study industries were divided into two groups(Group I, 37 industries; have the workers diagnosed as noise-induced hearing loss, Group II, 41 industries; not have the workers diagnosed as noise-induced hearing loss) and the question method carried out through the face to face interview. The contents of questionnaire for OSHA's hearing conservation program(HCP) consisted of seven components: 5 questions of monitoring of employee noise exposures(component 1), 6 questions of the institution of engineering, work practice, and administrative controls for excessive noise(component 2), 8 questions of the provision of each overexposed employee with an individually fitted hearing protector with an adequate noise reduction rating(component 3), 14 questions of employee training and education regarding noise hazards and protection measures(component 4), 9 questions of baseline and annual audiometry(component 5), 3 questions of procedures for preventing further occupational hearing loss by an employee whenever such an event has been identified(component 6), and 1 question of recording keeping(component 7), thus total numbers of questions was 46. The numbers of statistically significant difference(p<0.05) between two groups were 2(25.0%) among 8 questions of component 3, 10(71.4%) among 14 questions of component 4, 3(33.3%) among 8 questions of component 5, 2(66.7%) among 3 questions of component 6, and 17(37.0%) among total 46 questions of questionnaire. Above results showed that the level of HCP acceptance in group I was lower than in group II. Thus employer's understanding about HCP should be precede for the effective hearing conservation program of employee and the adequate hearing protector, training and education, baseline and annual audiometry, and procedures for preventing further occupational hearing loss for hearing conservation would be more emphasized.
A study on the attitude affecting the preventive behavior for hearing conservation.
Kyung Yong Rhee, Kwan Hyung Yi
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):371-384.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate attitude factor related to hearing conservation and to find attitude affecting the preventive behavior for hearing conservation. The research method used in this study was self-administered questionnaire samples of the study were composed of 353 workers exposed noise selected randomly in 10 ship-building manufacturing companies. Authors extracted following 9 factors related hearing conservation from 26 attitude propositions prepared from previous study results and health belief model; (l) general perceived susceptibility, (2) relative perceived susceptibility compared with colleagues, (3) concern to the personal protective devices, (4) perceived severity and concern to the hearing capacity, (5) concern to the hearing and noise assessment, (6) concern to the control noise and hearing conservation, (7) group pressure and reason of wearing protective devices, (8) apathy of hearing loss from noise, (9) knowledge about hearing conservation Attitude factors affecting the preventive health behavior were general perceived susceptibility, concern to the noise control and hearing conservation, and concern to the personal protective devices in the case of wearing personal protective devices. But in the case of avoiding noise exposure as preventive health behavior, perceived severity and concern to the hearing capacity was a significant attitude factor with knowledge about hearing conservation.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health