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2 "fatigue subjective symptoms"
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Original Article
Industrial fatigue due to banking operations with VDT.
Jung Wan Koo, Seung Han Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(3):305-313.
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In order to investigated industrial fatigue due to visual display terminal (VDT) work of banking operations, the questionnaires survey for subjective symptoms of fatigue was carried out on 470 bank clerks who had been engaged in VDT work for various length of work hours. The questionnaires comprised three groups of 10 items each, representing dullness and sleepiness (level of cerebral activation), difficulty in concentration (level of motivation) and bodily projection of fatigue. The results were as follows: 1. Of the 30 items of questionnaires, the highest percentage was accounted for by 'eye strain' (51.5%), followed by 'feel stiffness in the neck or the shoulders' (33.4%), 'feel a pain in the low back' (26.8%), 'whole body feels tired' (19.6%) and 'feel headache' (17.9%) in the order of sequence. 2. Ten average weighted score for the first group of questionnaire items (dullness and sleepiness) was the largest among three groups and was followed by the third group (bodily projection of fatigue) and the second item group (difficulty in concentration) in the order of sequence, suggesting the heavier mental stress of VDT work in banking operations rather than physical burden. 3. In terms of the age and sex of workers, work duration and VDT work percentage, the difference in average weighted score was noted only between sex, the score of female being larger than that of male. 4. The complaint rates of subjective symptoms showed close associations with the subjective optimums of room temperature, ventilation, illumination and noise level. 5. The significant correlation was showed between age, work duration and item of 'whole body feels tired', between VDT work percentage and items of 'eye strain' and 'feel stiffness in the neck or shoulders' and between all items of subjective symptoms.
English Abstract
Fatigue Subjective Symptoms and Risk Factors in Bank Workers with VDT.
Joo Ja Kim, Kyung Jae Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(1):45-52.
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To investigate the fatigue subjective symptoms and VDT related risk factors in bank workers. METHODS: A total of 2178 workers (62.8% male, 37.2% female) were surveyed with a self-administered and structured questionnaire consisting of 30 fatigue symptoms and other VDT related factors regarding work characteristics, work postures, work environments, personal medical histories, etc. Fatigue subjective symptoms were divided into 3 groups of 10 questions each: a dull, drowsy and exhausted feeling (Group I), a mental decline of working motivation (Group II), or a feeling of incongruity in the body and dysfunction of autonomic nervous system (Group III). Each question was weighted as 0 for 'none', 1 for 'sometimes', and 2 for 'always'. RESULTS: Mean age was 35.8+/-7.2 years (38.9+/-6.0 in males, 30.6+/-5.8 in females), Mean work duration was 7.7+/-7.1 years (8.4+/-7.4 in males, 6.5+/-6.4 in females). Mean symptom score in males was 11.0+/-8.1 (4.9+/-3.1 in Group I, 3.0+/-3.1 in Group II, 3.1+/-2.8 in Group III) and in females was 17.5+/-9.5 (7.0+/-3.8 in Group I, 4.6+/-3.5 in Group II, 5.9+/-3.4 in Group III). Mean scores were higher in the order of Group I> III> II. Females had significantly higher scores than males in all three groups (p< 0.001). Most common symptoms complained of as 'always' or 'sometimes' were 'feel strained in the eyes' (85.4%) among Group I, 'find difficulty in thinking' (54.2%) among Group II, and 'feel stiff in the shoulders' (72.3%) among Group III. In multiple regression analysis, female, non-straight spine at workstation, more VDT work hours, history of physical therapy, glare of screen, overtime work, young age, and non-horizontal elbow position were significantly related with high score of symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: More supportive VDT work environment and education for correct work postures for VDT workers are recommended.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health