OBJECTIVES This study was performed to evaluate the relationships between psychosocial characteristics and changes in the stage of breast cancer screening behavior. METHODS: The 474 study subjects were randomly sampled from 21,459 women (age range, 40-70 years) who were eligible for the Korean National Cancer Screening Program in 2006 in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do. The information, including behaviors and sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes, subjective norms and self-efficacy, was collected by trained interviewers via home visits. The breast cancer screening stages were grouped as precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance and relapse, according to Rakowski. RESULTS: Of the 474 women, 18.8% were in the precontemplation stage, 23.3% were in the contemplation stage, 13.1% were in the action stage, 36.6% were in the maintenance stage, and 8.2% were in the relapse stage. The distribution of stages was associated with attitude, subjective norms and self-efficacy (p for trend<0.01). To investigate the overall relationship between the variables, we conducted a linear structural equation model analysis based on the theory of planned behavior. The subjective norms and self-efficacy influenced the stage of the women's screening behavior. CONCLUSIONS: We should target on self-efficacy about the screening behavior of women by performing timely, thoughtful interventions. The support from family members, friends and other people is crucial for women to undergo breast cancer screening and to improve the breast cancer screening rate.
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Factor structure and internal reliability of cultural belief scales about colorectal cancer screening among Koreans in the Republic of Korea Shin-Young Lee BMC Public Health.2018;[Epub] CrossRef
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Psychosocial predictors of four health‐promoting behaviors for cancer prevention using the stage of change of Transtheoretical Model Jean H. Choi, Kyong‐Mee Chung, Keeho Park Psycho-Oncology.2013; 22(10): 2253. CrossRef
OBJECTIVES To examine the screening rate of cervical cancer in women and to find out the predictive factors for participation in cervical cancer screening programs within their life-time and within the last two years. METHODS: The data was based on self-reported questionnaires from 1,613 women whose ages ranged from 26 to 60 years; this survey was performed between December 1999 and January 2000. This study analyzed the predictive factors for participation in cervical cancer screening programs within their life-time and within the last two years. A logistic regression analysis was performed in order to derive the significant variables from the predisposing factors (demographic factor, health promotion behavior, reproductive factor), intervention factors (information channel, relation with medical staff), and proximal factors (attitude, social influence, self-efficacy). All analyses were performed by the PC-SAS 6.12. RESULTS: Our analyses showed that the screening rate for the women who received a cervical cancer screening (Pap smear) more than once within their life-time was 56.1% while those who had received one within the last two years was 34.5%. The significant factors for participation in cervical cancer screening program within their life-time were their income, married age, health promotion score, relation with medical staffs, social influence, and self-efficacy. On the other hand, age, number of pregnancies, menarche age, relation with medical staffs, social influences, and self-efficacy were significant factors for those being screened within the last two years. The predictive power of the logit model within their life-time was 68.8% and that within the last two years was 66.6%. CONCLUSION: The predictive factors for participation in cervical cancer screening program within their life-time are different from those for within the last two years, and that women's relations with medical staffs and social influences were the critical factors impacting on cervical cancer screening rates.
OBJECTIVES Cancer is the second most frequent cause of death in Korea. Cancer screening tests can save lives through early detection. Enhancing the cancer screening rate is an important strategy for reducing cancer mortality. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the screening rate and related factors in a rural area. The study investigated relationships between sociodemographic characteristics, several preventive behaviors, and the experience of several cancer screening behaviors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population was recruited voluntarily from the three rural areas(Myen) in Chungju city. The participants completed structured questionnaire from July 21, 1998 to July 26, 1998. RESULTS: The proportions of the study population who had previously received stomach, liver, breast, or cervix cancer screening tests were 24.5%, 18.5%, 27.0%, 59.2% respectively. The 1-year screening rates of stomach, liver, breast, and cervix cancer were 7.4%, 6.8%, 8.6%, 15.6% respectively. In multivariate logistic analysis, some sociodemographic variables, preventive behaviors, or psychological variables were significantly associated with several cancer screening tests. Those who had previously received a stomach cancer screening test were significantly associated with the presence of chronic disease, physician? recommendation, use of alcohol family history of cancer, or previous liver cancer screening test. Those who had previously received a liver cancer screening test were associated with education level, physician? recommendation and previous stomach cancer screening test. Those who had received a cervix cancer screening test were significantly associated with education level, presence of a transportation vehicle, physician? recommendation use of alcohol and previous breast cancer screening test. And those who had received a previous breast cancer screening test were significantly associated with age, marital status, and earlier cervix cancer screening test. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study a strategy to promote cancer screening and health objectives at the district level can be made.
OBJECTIVES To construct basic data to develop strategies for achieving higher Pap test coverage rate by evaluating factors associated with the use of Pap test through population-based survey. METHODS: 16.4%(671) of the 4,090 women, who were eligible population for this study, in 3 Myens of Chung-ju City participated in this study voluntarily from July 21 to 26, 1997. After basic physical examination by trained doctors, they were interviewed with structured questionnaire by well-educated interviewers. RESULTS: It shows that only 54.3% of study participants experienced Pap test. The strongest factor which is related with the use of Pap test was the history of having breast screening tests(aOR=8.71, 95% CI=4.25-17.84). Probability of ever having Pap test was also higher in married women(aOR of single=0.46, 95% CI=0.29-0.72), younger(Ptrend<0.05), more educated (Ptrend<0.001), non-smoker (aOR of smoker=0.26, 95% CI=0.12-0.55), women of ever having hepatitis test(aOR=2.60, 95% CI=1.73-3.88) in multiple linear logistic analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that several factors significantly associated with the use of Pap test, and especially, high-risk population for cervical cancer such as women of older ages, less educated, living alone are less likely to have the Pap test. We should concentrate on encouraging high-risk women in the use of Pap test to improve Pap test coverage rate.