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Original Article
Psychometric Characteristics of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory-Severity Subscale Among Korean Cancer Survivors
So-Young Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2024;57(4):319-326.   Published online May 16, 2024
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Despite the importance of choosing and using a valid assessment tool for fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) for early detection and interventions, the validity of the FCR inventory has yet to be thoroughly investigated in Korea. This study explored the psychometric properties of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory-Severity (FCRI-S) subscale and assessed its applicability to cancer survivors in Korea.
The survey involved 93 Korean individuals who had survived cancer. The reliability of the FCRI-S subscale was assessed using Cronbach’s α and composite reliability (CR). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), along with tests for discriminant and convergent validity, was conducted to evaluate the construct validity of the FCRI-S subscale.
The FCRI-S subscale showed excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s α=0.88; CR=0.89). CFA showed a good factor structure for the FCRI-S subscale, and the correlations of the FCRI-S subscale with FCR-related measures (r=0.69 to 0.80) and other psychosocial measures (r=-0.23 to 0.37) confirmed both the convergent and discriminant validity of the FCRI-S subscale.
This study confirmed the robust psychometric characteristics of the FCRI-S subscale among cancer survivors in Korea. The use of the FCRI-S subscale would be helpful for health professionals to rapidly screen FCR levels in clinical settings.
Korean summary
암 재발 두려움은 암 생존자들이 흔히 호소하는 심리사회적 어려움 중의 하나이다. 한국 성인 암 생존자들을 대상으로 암 재발 두려움-심각성 하위척도의 심리계량적 속성을 평가한 결과, 해당 하위척도가 좋은 타당도와 신뢰도를 보인 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 임상 현장에서 암 재발 두려움에 대한 조기 발견과 적극적인 개입의 중요성을 강조한다.
Key Message
Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) has emerged as a significant and common concern among cancer survivors. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of FCRI-S subscale among Korean adult cancer survivors and confirmed its good validity and reliability. Findings of this research emphasize the importance of early detection and active interventions for FCR in clinical settings.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health