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Background and Activities of the Samsung Ombudsperson Commission in Korea
Cheolsoo Lee, Seong-Kyu Kang, Hyunwook Kim, Inhee Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2019;52(4):265-271.   Published online July 3, 2019
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The Samsung Ombudsperson Commission was launched as an independent third-party institution following an agreement among Samsung Electronics, Supporters for Health and Right of People in Semiconductor Industry (Banolim in Korean, an independent NGO), and the Family Compensation Committee, in accordance with the industry accident prevention measure required by the settlement committee to address the issues related to employees who allegedly died from leukemia and other diseases as a result of working at Samsung’s semiconductor production facilities.
The Commission has carried out a comprehensive range of activities to review and evaluate the status of the company’s occupational accidents management system, as well as occupational safety and health risk management within its facilities.
Based on the results of this review, termed a comprehensive diagnosis, the Commission presented action plans for improvement to strengthen the company’s existing safety and health management system and to effectively address uncertain risks in this area going forward.
The Commission will monitor the execution of the suggested tasks and provide advice and guidance to ensure that Samsung’s semiconductor and liquid crystal display production lines are safer.
Korean summary
삼성옴부즈만위원회는 ‘삼성전자 반도체 사업장에서의 백혈병 등 질환 발병과 관련된 문제 해결을 위한 조정위원회’의 조정권고안 중 재해예방대책 부분에 대하여 삼성전자, 반올림, 가족대책위원회 등 3자 간에 조정합의가 성립함에 따라 출범한 외부의 독립기구로서, 삼성전자 내부의 재해관리시스템 운영 상황을 비롯하여 사업장 내 산업안전보건관리 현황 등에 관하여 필요한 정보를 삼성전자로부터 제출받아 이를 검토·평가하고 필요한 경우 개선을 권고하는 종합진단 활동을 수행하였다. 종합진단 결과, 삼성옴부즈만위원회는 현재의 안전보건관리 체계를 보다 강화하고 안전보건관리 영역에서 미래의 불확실한 위험을 효과적으로 해소하기 위해 개선권고사항을 제시하였으며, 앞으로 개선권고사항의 이행점검활동을 통해 삼성전자 반도체 및 LCD사업장이 보다 안전한 사업장이 될 수 있도록 지도 및 조언할 예정이다.


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Original Article
An Analysis of Health Examination Outcome in the Special Health Examination Institute.
Yeon Soon Ahn, Sang Hyuk Jung, Dong Chun Shin, Jong Uk Won, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):663-677.
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AbstractAbstract PDF
Special health examination institute has done periodic health examination for workers who have worked in the hazardous workplace. However, assessment on outcome in special health examination institute about detection ability of occupational disease has not been. In this circumstances, we studied on the differences of health examination outcome among special health examination institutes and identified related factors which affected outcome of special health examination in the special health examination institutes. The summary of the results were as follows. 1. 50 special health examination institutes were examined in this study. Among them, university institutes were 13 cases(26.0%), hospitals were 20 cases(40.0%), a corporation aggregates were 9 cases(18.0%) and an auxiliary organs of company were 8 cases(16.0%). There were 29(58.0%) institutes with a preventive medicine specialist, but 21 institutes(42.0%) were not. 2. Total workers examined in 50 institutes were 606,948 and workers diagnosed as occupational disease(D1) were 3,156. The rate of occupational disease was 6 workers per 1,000 examined workers. Workers needed for close observation(C) were 95,809 and the rate of workers needed for close observation was 141 per 1,000 examined workers. 3. The rate of occupational disease of university institutes was highest(11.3 per l,000 examined workers) and followed by hospitals(6.0 per 1,000 examined workers), a corporation aggregates(4.2 per 1,000 examined workers), and an auxiliary organs of company(l.2 per 1,000 examined workers.). The difference of the rate of occupational disease between university institutes and an auxiliary organs of company was statistically moderate significant(p<.1).The rate of occupational disease in special health examination institutes with establishment duration was more than 10 years was statistically higher than institutes with establishment duration was less than 10 years(p<0.l). 4. The results of multiple regression, R2 was 0.3394(adjusted R2 was 0.2109), F-value was 2, fi41ft(p<0.5), and statistically significant variables were establishment duration(p<0.1), number of examined workers per one doctor(p<.l), and auxiliary organs of company(p<0.l), which dependent variable was the rate of occupational disease and independent variables were number of examined workers per one doctor, classification of institute, the rate of working environment exceeding TLV, duration of institute establishment, presence of a preventive medicine specialist.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health