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Therapeutic Compliance and Its Related Factors of Patients with Hypertension in Rural Area.
Sang Won Lee, Sin Kam, Byung Yeol Chun, Min Hae Yeh, Yun Sik Kang, Keon Yeop Kim, Young Sook Lee, Ki Soo Park, Jae Hee Son, Hee Sook Oh, Moon Young Ahn, Pu Dol Lim
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(2):215-225.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the therapeutic compliance and its related factors in the rural hypertensives. METHOD: A questionnaire survey and blood pressure measurement were performed to 3,876 residents of a rural area, and 660 hypertensives were selected as subjects of study. The study employed a hypothetical model which was composed of constructs from the health belief model and KAP model. The analysis techniques employed included contingency table analysis and structural equation modeling. RESULT: The proportion of those who were compliant to the treatment of hypertension was 44.2% of subjects. As the result of structural equation modeling, when patients had more favorable attitude toward treatment, higher perceived benefit, or lower perceived barriers to treatment, the therapeutic compliance was significantly higher(T>2.0). When patients had more knowledge about hypertension, or higher perceived severity of hypertension, the attitude toward the treatment of hypertension was more favorable significantly(T>2.0). And when patients had the support for treatment from family or neighbor, the attitude toward treatment was more favorable(T>2.0). When patients had experience of health education, they had more knowledge, higher perceived susceptibility of complication, perceived severity for hypertension, and perceived benefit of treatment, compare to patients without health education(T>2.0). CONCLUSION: In consideration of above findings, in order to improve the therapeutic compliance in the rural hypertensives, it would be necessary to change attitude, perception, knowledge about hypertension and its treatment, by various methods such as effective health education and programs for maintaining the supportive environment for hypertension treatment.
A Survey on Status of Pregnancy and Delivery at a Rural Village, Napal(Dolakha Bazar Area).
Young Woo Ahn, Yune Sik Kang, Sin Kam, Jong Young Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(4):721-732.
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This study was conducted to investigate the status of pregnancy and delivery and relationship among knowledge, attitude and practice about pregnancy and delivery in poor country, Nepal. A questionnaire survey by interviewer was conducted to examine the general characteristics, knowledge about pregnancy and delivery, attitude about pregnancy and delivery, the rate of prenatal care and delivery condition of women who had an experience of delivery during last year(1994. 4. 13~1995. 4. 12) at a rural area, nepal(Dolakha Bazar Area). The major findings are as follows; Among respondents, 87.5 percentage never had health education and the degree of knowledge about pregnancy and delivery was low. Among respondents, 56.6 percentage had the attitude that they didn't want antenatal care, 42.8% of respondents answered that they wouldn't visit hospital or health center when vaginal bleeding occurred and 82.9% thought that the delivery itself was dirty. The proportion of women who experienced antenatal care was 28.3%, the proportion of health facilities delivery was 5.3%, which was very low and 82.6% of home delivery case didn't sanitate the tool to cut the umbilical cord. The women who had positive attitude about antenatal care and health facility utilization experienced more antenatal care and health facilities delivery. On consideration of above findings, health education for pregnancy and delivery is required to improve mother-child health status in poor country. To make efficient health education, the target population group, such as the uneducated, inhabitants far from health center or medical facility, must be chosen. To help the poor countries in medical field, the study on health status and its related factors on these countries like this article would be required.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health