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Original Article
- Electrocardiographic findings of a Community People by Computerized Device for Analysis.
Esun Koo, Jae Young Kim, Hae Joon Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(2):183-198.
- In order to determine the prevalence rate and find out the sexual difference of abnormal electrocardiographic findings manifested by computerized EKG, which is equipped with auto-analyzing function, a total of 2,083 electrocardiograms that were taken from population over 20 years-old from October 1996 to February, 1997 were studied according to their age, gender and blood pressure. l. Using the electrocardiography, with auto-analyzing function, 33 kinds of abnormal findings were manifested. The prevalence rate of abnormal findings was 52.8% in male and 43.7% in female. Among them, the most common finding was sinus bradycardia found in 17.6% of male and 15.4% of female. Left ventricular hypertrophy by voltage criteria, minimal voltage of left ventricular hypertrophy, left axis deviation and atrial fibrillation were more common in male than in female statistically. Both of nospecific T wave and ST segment abnormality were more common in female than in male statistically. 2. Thirty-three kinds of abnormal findings were manifested. They revealed one abnormal finding alone or combined with some other ones making 128 kinds of abnormal findings. The most common abnormal finding that manifested alone was right axis deviation (100%), then myocardial ischemia (95.7%) the next. The most common abnormal finding that complexed with other abnormal findings were left anterior fascicular block(percentage of single manifestation; 26.2%) and nonspecific T wave abnormality(percentage of single manifestation; 32.9%). Also, combination of sinus bradycardia and minimal voltage of left ventricular hypertrophy, and combination of sinus bradycardia and left ventricular hypertrophy were included in 25th sequences of abnormal findings. 3. The prevalence rate of abnormal electrocardiographic findings were higher in older group, hypertensive group, and the group of higher systolic or diastolic pressure in both sexes. 4. Abnormal findings that commonly manifested with sinus bradycardia were voltage criteria or minimal voltage of left ventricular hypertrophy(38.6%): sinus arrhythmia(10.5%); nonspecific T wave or ST segment abnormality(18.4%) and first degree AV block(7.2%) in descending order. 5. The most common site which manifested myocardial ischemia was posterior and inferior wall with equal percentage of 23.4%. And then anterior wall(19.l%), and antero-lateral wall and septum with equal percentage of 10.6% was noted in descending order.
English Abstracts
- The Resting Electrocardiographic ST Segment Depression and Related Factors at a Rural Adult Community, Korea.
Yu Mi Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Jin Ho Shin, Heon Kil Lim, Do Myung Paek, Bo Youl Choi
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(6):485-492.
To measure the distribution of electrocardiographic ST segment depression, and evaluate its relationships with cardiovascular risk factors based on the cross-sectional studies within a rural Korean community. METHODS: This study analyzed 1,343 persons, over 40 years old, who participated in a baseline survey during 2002~2005; the exclusion criteria included: a past history of myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, and specific conduction abnormalities. A Standard 12 leads ECG was recorded using an FCP-2101 (Fukuda Denshi Co.). The ST segment depression was retrospectively measured by a physician, according to the Minnesota code classification. RESULTS: ST segment depression was found in 3.6 and 6.4% of male and female participants, respectively. After adjusting for age, gender, smoking, physical activity and obesity differences, high blood pressure showed significant relations with ST depression in females (male ORs=2.67, 95% CI=0.85-8.50; female ORs=2.62, 95% CI=1.29-5.32) CONCLUSIONS: As an ischemic ECG sign, ST depression was related to hypertension in female participants. This relationship remained significant, even after cases with left ventricular hypertrophy were removed.
- Relationship between Corrected QT Interval and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Healthy Adults: The Kangwha Study.
Song Vogue Ahn, Hyeon Chang Kim, Nam Wook Hur, Kyoung Soo Ha, Hoo Sun Jang, Jin Bae Kim, Il Suh
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(6):455-461.
Prolongation of the heart rate-corrected QT (QTc) interval has been reported to be associated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, few studies have examined the relationship between the QTc interval and cardiovascular risk factors in young healthy people. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between the QTc interval and cardiovascular risk factors in young healthy adults. METHODS: This study was performed as part of the Kangwha study, which started in 1986, and is an on-going follow-up study on blood pressure and related cardiovascular risk factors. In follow-up examinations during 2005, cardiovascular risk factors, including anthropometrics, blood pressure, blood chemistry and carotid ultrasonography, were measured, and questionnaires on health behaviors completed by 127 men and 149 women aged 25 years. The QTc interval was measured on the resting 12-lead electrocardiogram using an automatic analysis program. RESULTS: The mean QTc interval was significantly longer in women (419+/-17ms) than in men (405+/-17ms) (p<0.001). A significant positive correlation was found between the QTc interval and waist-hip ratio (p=0.030) in men. Women showed a positive correlation between the QTc interval and systolic blood pressure (p=0.017). On a multiple regression analysis, the QTc interval was positively associated with the waist-hip ratio in men (p=0.012) and with the systolic blood pressure (p=0.020) in women. CONCLUSIONS: In young healthy Korean adults, the QTc interval was independently associated with the waist-hip ratio in men and with the systolic blood pressure in women.