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Yeni Farida 1 Article
Medication-related Burden and Experience With Medications in Indonesian Older Adults With Chronic Diseases: A Mixed-method Study
Yeni Farida, Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, Tri Murti Andayani, Probosuseno Probosuseno
Received July 16, 2024  Accepted November 7, 2024  Published online November 20, 2024  
DOI:    [Accepted]
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This study explored the specific medication-related burdens experienced by older adults with chronic disease and the contributing factors.
An exploratory mixed-method study was conducted at a teaching hospital in Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. Combining the Indonesian version of the Living with Medicine Questionnaire (LMQ) and semi-structured interviews allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the medication-related burden. Differences in LMQ scores related to patient characteristics were analyzed using the t-test, F-test, or other alternatives. Quantitative and qualitative data triangulation was used to derive trustworthy and dependable results.
The overall LMQ mean score was 90.4 (n=129), indicating a moderate burden. The average LMQ scores varied significantly based on the number of medications, treatment duration, and the presence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM) and stroke. The qualitative study found 3 themes in the chronic medication use of older adults: experiences, challenges, and motivation. Despite their limited understanding of a medication’s name and indication, some patients managed their medications based on the physical look and packaging of the medication. The study also found that patient motivation and familial support could effectively counteract the fatigue and dissatisfaction associated with taking medication.
Older adults with chronic diseases faced medication-related burdens associated with the presence of CVD, DM, stroke, a treatment duration >5 years, and the use of >10 medications. Effective communication with healthcare professionals is required to understand patients\' needs and concerns, thereby helping manage the challenges of medication-related burdens.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health