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Sang Woo Kim 3 Articles
Association between air conduction hearing threshold and blood viscosity in normal adult males.
Sang Woo Kim, Jong Young Lee, Wan Seup Park, Kuck Hyeun Woo
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):623-629.
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This is cross-sectional study a potential relationship between air conduction hearing threshold and blood viscosity in normal adult males(n=1677). We measure hearing threshold in frequency level at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000Hz by pure-tone audiometry and RBC profiles contains red cell number, hemoglobin, hematocrit. Blood viscosity replaced by hematocrit that are one major factor of influencing blood viscosity. PTAs(pure-tone averages) measured by hearing threshold averages level at 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz by pure-tone audiometry. Grades of PTAs(pure-tone averages) are less then 10.0dB group, between 10.0-19.9dB group and excess 20.0dB. The results are significantly association among hematocrit, red cell number and hearing loss(age adjust by ANACOVA).
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice according to Types of Occupational Health Management.
Sung Hee Kim, Hae Ryeun Shin, Sang Woo Kim, Kuck Hyeun Woo, Wan Seoup Park, Jae Yong Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(3):579-596.
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The first purpose of this study was to compare the mean Knowledge, Attitude & Practice(KAP) scores concerning major occupational Health between two types of occupational health management in small & medium-scale textile factories. Sample number was 1,138 workers. In small & medium factories with 300 workers or less, they have two alternatives for occupational health management; Individual Health Management or Vicarious Health Management. The second purpose was to determine if there was a relationship between duration of Vicarious health management and mean kap scores for 694 workers from the Vicarious Health Management group. We used self-administered questionnaires for measuring KAP. The results of this study were; 1. There was significant difference concerning all socioeconomic & occupational variables(gender, age education level, marital status, Blue/White collar, working duration of present factory, working duration of total factories) except for shift. 2. There was no significant difference of mean scores of Knowledge and attitude between the Individual Health Management Group and the Vicarious Health Management. But, the mean score of Practice was significantly different. 3. According to multiple regression analysis, the mean score of Knowledge significantly increased with age, education level, working duration of all factories increased. The mean score of Attitude significantly increased with age, education level and married. The mean score of Practice significantly increased with age, education level, working duration of all factories, married and men. 4. In conclusion, The type of Health management did not significantly affect the mean KAP scores concerning major occupational Health problems. 5. But, the Duration of Vicarious Health management significantly increased the mean KAP scores.
Pilot Study for the Assessment of Work Ability of Manufacturing Workers and Managerial Workers.
Young Ha Lee, Sung Hie Kim, Sang Woo Kim, Hae Ryeun Shin, Byeong Won Jin, Kuck Hyeun Woo, Gu Wung Han
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):497-510.
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This study was carried out to assess work ability of manufacturing workers and managerial workers. Subjects were 446 manufacturing workers and 278 managerial workers employed in Gumi industrial complex and the observation period was for 1 month(February to March), 1995. In this study, as a questionnaire for the assessment of work ability, we used the work Ability Index(WAI) which was developed by Institute of Occupational Health in Finland. Major findings obtained from this study were as follows; WAI was poor in lower economic condition, shift work, irregular diet group(p < 0.05). There were no evident trends of WAI in sex, educational level, obesity index, exercise, smoking, and alcohol drinking. In the groups of sensitive to perception of stress, other industrial classification except textile and electronics, the more than 9 hours work, the evident trends of poor WAl were observed(p<0.01). In the groups of 30-39 years old, 40-49 years old, unmarried, high school, shift work, standard body weight, and regular diet, WAl between manufacturing workers and managerial workers was significantly different(p<0.01) and WAI of managerial worker was worse than that of manufacturing worker.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health