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Kwang Jong Kim 2 Articles
A Study on the Effect of Improvement in Work Environment and of Segregation in a Fluorescent Lamp Manufacturing Factory.
Soung Hoon Chang, Kwang Jong Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(4):474-479.
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This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of improvement in work environment and of segregation in a fluorescent lamp manufacturing factory. Among the total of 80 workers, 8 workers whose mercury concentration in urine reached a hazardous level (200-299 microgram/l) were moved to mercury free workplace. The follow-up examination for their mercury concentration in urine was done three times; on May 3, 1988, September 1, 1988 and April 3, 1989. The results were as follows: 1. Mercury concentration in the air was reduced from 0.140 to 0.107 mg/m3 in 4 months, and to 0.087 mg/m3 in one year after environmental improvement in workplace. However the level still exceeded the Threshold Limit Value. 2. The geometric mean of urinary mercury concentration among 80 workers was 173.0 microgram/l (5.1~458.6 microgram/l). The distribution of workers according to urinary mercury concentration showed that 9 workers (11.2%) were above the mercury poisoning level (300 microgram/l), 24 workers (30.0%) were 200-299 microgram/l, 35 workers (43.8%) were 50-199 microgram/l, and 12 workers (15.0%) were below 50 microgram/l. 3. Among the 24 workers whose urinary mercury concentration was 200-299 microgram/l, 8 were able to be followed up. Their mean urinary mercury concentration before segregation was 244.9 microgram/l, but decreased to 151.4 microgram/l in four months, 128.8 microgram/l in six months, and 46.8 microgram/l in one year after segregation.
A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Relative to Maternal and Child Health Among Women Residing in Apartments at Younsei Community Health Area.
Seung Hum Yu, Young Sook Chung, Kyung Ja Lee, Kwang Jong Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1971;4(1):77-88.
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A study of the knowledge, attitude and practices about the maternal and child health of 305 married women residing in apartments at the Yonsei community Health area was conducted during the period from November to December 1970 using designed questionnaire with well trained interviews. The results and findings obtained from the study are summarized as follows : A. Pregnancy and Birth. Questions were asked about their last child. 1. 16.4% of the women were pregnant. 2. Among 281 women who hand experienced delivery, 48.0% were assisted by doctor or midwives for their last delivery, while the rest of women delivered their last baby at home without any professional's assistance. The higher the level of education or the greater exposure to mass communication, the more the deliveries were assisted by doctors or midwives. Those women who were born and raised in cities had more deliveries assisted by doctors and midwives than those who were not. 3. Kinds of delivery sheets used. Among 141 cases of home delivery 68% used cement bag paper or vinyl sheets. Three% used nothing and remained used unsterile materials. 4. Among 141 cases of home delivery, 70.2% used scissors. The rest of them used other methods. 5. 47.3% of the women had a rest for one month or more after birth. The higher the level of education, the longer the period of rest was observed. 6. 52.4% of the women fed the colostrum to their babies. This was not related to the mother's education. 7. About half(42.9%) of the women had poor knowledge about a proper diet for the pre and post natal period. B. Child Health. 1. Knowledge and practice regarding to the immunization for their children : Most of the women (93.2%) could name at least one kind of immunization. 20.3% could name 6 kinds of immunization. Mothers education level did not influence their ability to name immunizations. 85.2% of children had been immunized at least once. 2. Morbidity of last born children : 48.1% of their last born children were found to have been sick during the last year. Less than half (41.5%) of the sick children were seen by doctor. 3. Counselling at well baby clinic : most of the women (76.5%) had no counselling for their children. Registration rate at the well baby clinic at the Severance Hospital was 13.2%. 45.9% wanted to visit to the well baby clinic at the Severance Hospital. 4. Weaning Period : 44.6% said that the beginning of the weaning for their last born children was from 6 months to twelve months of age. The most important reason of weaning was the health of both mothers and children. 5. Knowledge and Practice regarding birth and death Registration : 64.6% of the women could name correctly the Ku-office as the place for the registration. Only 29.2% registered the birth of their last born children within 14 days. C. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding to family planning Most : of the women accepted the idea of family planning. 97.7% could name at least one contraceptive method. 35.4% were found to be current users of countraceptive methods. The ideal number of children was 3.1 in average.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health