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Jong Won Kang 11 Articles
Effects of Oxidative DNA Damage and Genetic Polymorphism of the Glutathion Peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and 8-Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) on Lung Cancer.
Chul Ho Lee, Kye Young Lee, Kang Hyeon Choe, Yun Chul Hong, Sung Il Noh, Sang Yong Eom, Young Jun Ko, Yan Wei Zhang, Dong Hyuk Yim, Jong Won Kang, Heon Kim, Yong Dae Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(2):130-134.
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Oxidative DNA damage is a known risk factor of lung cancer. The glutathione peroxidase (GPX) antioxidant enzyme that reduces hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides plays a significant role in protecting cells from the oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate effects of oxidative stress and genetic polymorphisms of the GPX1 genes and the interaction between them in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer. METHODS: Two hundreds patients with lung cancer and 200 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled in this study. Every subject was asked to complete a questionnaire concerning their smoking habits and their environmental exposure to PAHs. The genotypes of the GPX1 and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) genes were examined and the concentrations of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP), 2-naphthol and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) were measured. RESULTS: Cigarette smoking was a significant risk factor for lung cancer. The levels of urinary 8-OH-dG were higher in the patients (p<0.001), whereas the urinary 1-OHP and 2-naphthol levels were higher in the controls. The GPX1 codon 198 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Individuals carrying the Pro/Leu or Leu/Leu genotype of GPX1 were at a higher risk for lung cancer (adjusted OR=2.29). In addition, these individuals were shown to have high urinary 8-OH-dG concentrations compared to the individuals with the GPX1 Pro/Pro genotype. On the other hand, the polymorphism of the hOGG1 gene did not affect the lung cancer risk and the oxidative DNA damage. CONCLUSIONS: These results lead to a conclusion that individuals with the GPX1 Pro/Leu or Leu/Leu genotype would be more susceptible to the lung cancer induced by oxidative stress than those individuals with the Pro/Pro genotype.
Effects of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Genetic Polymorphism of the Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) Gene on Lung Cancer.
Chul Ho Lee, Kye Young Lee, Kang Hyeon Choe, Yun Chul Hong, Yong Dae Kim, Jong Won Kang, Heon Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(3):345-350.
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are risk factors for lung cancer, have been reported to induce oxidative DNA damage. The paraoxonase (PON) plays a significant role in the detoxification of a variety of organophosphorous compounds, with paraoxonase-1 (PON1) being one of the endogenous free-radical scavenging systems in the human body. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the effects of PAH exposure, oxidative stress and the Q192R polymorphism of PON1 genes, and their interactions in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer. METHODS: One hundred and seventy seven lung cancer patients and 177 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled in this study. Each subject was asked to complete a questionnaire concerning their smoking habits and environmental exposure to PAHs. The Q192R genotypes of the PON1 gene was examined, and the concentrations of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP), 2-naphthol and 8- hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) measured. RESULTS: Cigarette smoking was found to be a significant risk factor for lung cancer. The urinary 8-OH-dG level was higher in the patients, whereas the urinary 1-OHP and 2- naphthol levels were higher in the controls. There was a significant correlation between the urinary levels of 8-OHdG and 1-OHP in both the cases and controls. The PON1 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Individuals carrying the Q/Q genotype of the PON1 gene were found to be at higher risk of developing lung cancer. There was a significant correlation between the urinary levels of 8-OH-dG and 1-OHP in those with the PON1 Q/Q genotype. CONCLUSIONS: These results lead to the conclusion that PAHs would induce oxidative DNA damage, especially in individuals with the PON1 Q/Q genotype. Therefore, people with the PON1 Q/Q genotype would be more susceptible to lung cancer than those with the R/R or Q/R genotypes of the PON1 gene.
Epidemiologic Investigation on Sporadic Occurrence of Shigellosis in a Subcounty of Cheongwon County in Chungbuk Province in 2003.
Yong Jae Lee, Ue Kyoung Hwang, Jong Suk Kim, Jun Young Kim, Ja Seol Koo, Bok Kwon Lee, Jong Won Kang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(2):182-188.
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This study was undertaken to investigate the source of infection and mode of transmission of shigellosis, which occurred sporadically among residents and students in a subcounty of Cheongwon county, Chungbuk province, Korea, from June 4 to July 3 2003. METHODS: 692 subjects completed a questionnaire and provided a swab for microbiological examinations, and 7 environmental specimens were examined for bacterial organisms. PFGE (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) and fingerprinting were performed to find the genetic relationship among the temporally associated sporadic isolates. RESULTS: A total of 29 patients had symptoms consistent with the case definition, with 13 confirmed and 16 suspected cases. The frequency of diarrhea was 6 times or more a day (80.8%), with a duration of 1 to 4 days (88.5%) in most cases. The most common symptoms accompanying the diarrhea were fever (80.9%) followed by abdominal pain (76.9%), headache (65.4%), chill (61.5%), vomiting (46.2%) and tenesmus (15.4%). The epidemic curve was characteristic of a person-to-person transmission. The PFGE and fingerprinting demonstrated identical or similar DNA patterns among the 3 Shigella sonnei isolates (A51, A53 and A61 types) found in this outbreak. CONCLUSION: A genetically identical strain of S. sonnei was estimated to be the cause of this outbreak, and the mode of transmission was most likely person-to-person.
Quantifying the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease Attributable to Total Suspended Particulate and Sulfur Dioxide Using Years Lived with Disability.
Seok Jun Yoon, Beom Man Ha, Jong Won Kang, Ho Jang Kwon
Korean J Prev Med. 2002;35(2):92-98.
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To estimate the burden of cardiovascular disease attributable to the total suspended particulates (TSP) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Korea using the YLD (years lived with disability) measurement. METHODS: Congestive heart failure(CHF) and myocardial infarction (MI) were chosen as the main cardiovascular diseases whose causes are attributable to the TSP and SO2 levels. In order to calculate the YLD (years lived with a disability), the following parameters in the formula were estimated. : the incidence rate, the case fatality rate, The expected duration of a disability and the average age of onset were estimated. The expected duration of a disability and the average age of onset were calculated using the DISMOD method, as developed by the GBD researchers. The burden of cardiovascular disease due to TSP and SO2 was estimated using the number of years that the patient lived with a disability. RESULTS: The YLD of the CHF due to the TSP and SO2 was attributed to the TSP (94.4 person-year) and SO2 levels (35.0 person-year). The YLD of the MI due to the TSP and SO2 was attributed to the TSP (148.4 person-year) and SO2 levels(27.6 person-year). CONCLUSION: The YLD method employed in this study was appropriate for quantifying the burden of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it would provide a rational basis for planning a national health policy regarding the disease burden of the risk factors in Korea.
Estimation of Attributable Burden due to Premature Death from Smoking in Korea.
Seok Jun Yoon, Beom Man Ha, Jong Won Kang, Hye Chung Chang
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(3):191-199.
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In this study, we focused on estimating the burden of premature death in Korea caused by smoking using the YLL (years of life lost due to premature death) measurement. METHODS: First, we determined parameters: such as age-specific standard life expectancy, age on death, sex, and cause of death by analyzing the national death certificate data and life table collected during 1997. These were provided by the National Statistical Office. Secondly, we estimated the age group- specific years of life lost due to premature death by employing the standard expected years of life lost (SEYLL) measurement. Thirdly, the burden of premature death caused by smoking was estimated using the YLLs measurement which was developed by the global burden of disease study group. Fourthly, We calculated the risk related to smoking using the population attributable risk. RESULTS: The following results were obtained in this study:1) Premature death that is attributable to smoking in males could be prevented in 60.9% (513,582 person-year) by non-smoking.2) The burden of premature death by smoking for female was prevented to 17.7% (513,582 person-year) by non-smoking. CONCLUSION: We found that the YLL method employed in this study was appropriate in quantifying the burden of premature death. This provides a rational basis for planning a national health policy regarding premature deaths caused by smoking and other related risk factors.
Urinary 1-Hydroxypyrene and 2-Naphthol as a Biological Exposure Markers of Total Suspended Particulate in the General Population .
Jong Won Kang, Soo Hun Cho, Heon Kim, Daehee Kang, Chul Ho Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(3):306-312.
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are well known environmental pollutants. The measurement of PAH in ambient air is not commonly used, because it is quite difficult to perform and is unreliable. Using biomarkers of PAH can be an alternative approach to this problem. The PAH in ambient air is absorbed in particulate matter. Total suspended particulate(TSP) or particulate matter of less than 10 micrometer in diameter (PM10) can be easily measured. Therefore, TSP or PM10 can be used as a surrogate measurements of ambient air PAH. CONCLUSIONS: We investigated whether the urinary concentration of two biomarkers of PAH, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) and 2-naphthol, could reflect the total suspended particulate in the general population. METHODS: In order to exclude the effects of occupational exposure and smoking, first grade middle school students were included in this study. Four middle schools within a one kilometer boundary of ambient air monitoring stations were selected. Total suspended particulate was regarded as the marker of airborne PAH. Diet and smoking data were collected by self administered questionnaires, and spot urine samples were collected. Urinary 1-OHP and 2-naphthol were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The correlation between urinary 1-OHP, 2-naphthol and passive smoking was not statistically significant. The correlation between urinary 1-OHP and TSP indices was not statistically significant. The correlations between urinary 2-naphthol and TSP of two lag days, one lag day, and zero lag days were statistically significant. The statistical significance of two lag days was the strongest (p=0.001), one lag day was the next (p=0.0275), and zero lag days was the weakest (p=0.0349). CONCLUSION: Our results imply that the urinary concentration of 2-naphthol can be applied as a PAH exposure marker for the general population with low PAH exposure.
A Case-Control Study on Effects of Genetic Polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 on Risk of Lung Cancer.
Hong Mei Nan, Heon Kim, Jong Won Kang, Jang Whan Bae, Kang Hyeon Choe, Ki Hyeong Lee, Seung Taik Kim, Choong Hee Won, Yong Min Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(2):123-129.
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This study was performed to investigate effects of genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1), glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTT1), cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) and cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) on lung cancer development. METHODS: Ninety-eight lung cancer patients and 98 age-sex matched non-cancer patients hospitalized in Chungbuk National University Hospital from March 1997 to August 1998, were the subjects of this case-control study. Direct interview was done and genotypes of GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 were investigated using multiplex PCR or PCR-RFLP methods with DNA extracted from venous blood. Effects of the polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1, lifestyle factors including smoking, and their interactions on lung cancer were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: GSTM1 was deleted in 67.01% of the cases and 58.16% of the controls, and the odds ratio(95% CI) was 1.46(0.82-2.62). GSTT1 deletion was 58.76% for the lung cancer patients and 50.00% for the controls OR:1.43(0.81-2.51). The frequencies of Ile/Ile, Ile/Val and Val/Val of the CYP1A1 polymorphisms were 59.18%, 35.71%, and 5.10% for the cases, and 52.04%, 45.92%, 2.04% for the controls, respectively. Risk of lung cancer was not associated with polymorphism of CYP1A1 (x2trend=0.253, p-value>0.05). The respective frequency of c1/c1, c1/c2, c2/c2 genotypes for CYP2E1 were 50.00%, 42.86%, 7.14% for the lung cancer patients, and 66.33%, 30.61%, 3.06% for the controls (x2trend=5.783, p<0.05). c2 allele was a significant risk factor for lung cancer. We also observed a significant association of cigarette smoking history with lung cancer risk. The odds ratio(95% CI) of cigarette smoking was 3.03(1.58-5.81). In multiple logistic analysis including genotypes of GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1, and smoking habit, only smoking habit came out to be a significant risk factor for lung cancer. CONCLUSION: Genetic polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 are not so strongly associated with lung cancer as lifestyle factors including cigarette smoking.
Prediction Equations for FVC and FEV1 among Korean Children Aged 12 Years.
Jong Won Kang, Yeong Su Ju, Joohon Sung, Soo Hun Cho
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(1):60-64.
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Changes in lung function are frequently used as biological markers to assess the health effects of criteria air pollutants. We tried to formulate the prediction models of pulmonary functions based on height, weight, age and gender, especially for children aged 12 years who are commonly selected for the study of health effects of the air pollution. METHODS: The target pulmonary function parameters were forced vital capacity(FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1). Two hundreds and fifity-eight male and 301 female 12-year old children were included in the analysis after excluding unsatisfactory tests to the criteria recommended by American Thoracic Sosiety and excluding more or less than 20% predicted value by previous prediction equations. The weight prediction equation using height as a independent variable was calculated, and then the difference of observed weight and predicted weight (i.e. residual) was used as the independent variable of pulmonary function prediction equations with height. RESULTS: The prediction equations of FVC and FEV1 for male are FVC(ml) = 50.84 x height(cm) + 7.06 x weight residual - 4838.86, FEV1(ml) = 43.57 x height(cm) + 3.16 x weight residual - 4156.66, respectively. The prediction equations of FVC and FEV1 for female are FVC(ml) = 42.57 x height(cm) + 12.50 x weight residual - 3862.39, FEV1(ml) = 36.29 x height(cm) + 7.74 x weight residual - 3200.94, respectively.
Development of Questionnaire for Evaluating Health Effect Associated with Air Pollution.
Yeong Su Ju, Dae Sung Kim, Jong Won Kang, Joo Heon Seong, Dae Hee Kang, Soo Hun Cho, Do Myung Paek
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):852-869.
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This study was conducted to develope and evaluate the reliability and the validity of a questionnaire in order to determine the applicability as a screening tool for estimating environmental exposure and health effects related to air pollution. The questionnaire was developed with adopting some items of others such as ISAAC or ATS-DLD. And then we performed test-retest to 89 middle school students and their mothers at interval of three months. Cohen's Kappa values, weighted Kappa values, Spearman's correlation coefficients, and Pearson's correlation coefficients for each item were computed as reliability coefficients. The validity coefficients and validity coefficient bounds were also obtained by simply using these reliability coefficients. As results, Kappa ranged broadly from 0.10 to 0.61 of the items 'diet', 0.52~0.79 of the environmental tobacco smoke, 0.39~0.44 of the functional categories of surrounding environment, and 0.54~0.63 of the using transportation systems; these items were regarded as confounding factors. For items related to health outcomes, Kappa ranged from -0.02 to 0.37 in the respiratory system of past medical history, and from 0.11 to 0.55 in the current health status. But Kappa of the others were over 0.60. In conclusion, if some items can be corrected or modified, the questionnaire developed in this study can be used as a tool for evaluating environmental exposure and health effects associated with air pollution.
a study on The Effect of The Tobacco Price Raise on The Smoking Rate and Smoking Attributable Death.
Jong Won Kang, Joung Soom Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):697-707.
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This study was performed to estimate the quantity of the effects of tobacco price raise on the smoking rate, and the smoking attributable deaths in Korea. The data were collected by questionnaire survey from 538 male office workers. The questionnaire contained items on age, sex, living place, status of education, smoking history, the intention to quit smoking when the tobacco price be raised. The questionnaire were distributed to the offices of enterprises, hospitals, research centers, and public agencies and then collected. Data were analyzed by using the age specific smoking rate, relative risks of eight major smoking related diseases, vital statistics, and the population attributable risk of deaths of smoking males. On the other hand, the impact of the tobacco price raise on the population attributable risk of death due to smoking in Korea was estimated by applying the presumed smoking rate after the price raise. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The smoking rate of male white color workers in large cities was 59.5%. 2. The proportion of male smokers who has the intention to quit smoking when the tobacco price be raised was 61.5%. 3. The proportion of male smokers who has the intention to quit smoking if the price of tobacco be raised was proportional to the degree of increasing tobacco price. It is estimated that if the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now, the presumed smoking rate goes down as low as 26.7%. If the tobacco price be raised 20% each year, presumed smoking rate is 46.2%. 4. The number of attributable male death of smoking estimated by using 8 major smoking related diseases(lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was 25,863 death each year. That is 20.1% of total age over 20 male deaths. 5. If the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now and all smokers who has intention to quit smoking quits smoking, 12,336 lives, or 47.7% of smoking related deaths could be saved. 6. If the actual practice rate of quitting smoking among male smokers with intention to stop smoking when the price of tobacco be raised is 10%, 25%, or 50%, then the expected decrease of death numbers when the tobacco price were raised more than four times as now can be 1,112, 3,483, 5,796 respectively.
Health Assessment for Glass Fibre Landfill at Gozan-dong, Inchon.
Soo Hun Cho, Yeong Su Ju, Kyung Ryul Kim, Kang Kun Led, Kug Sun Hong, Hee Chul Eum, Dong Bim Song, Jae Woong Hong, Ho Jang Kwon, Mi Na Ha, Sang Hwan Han, Jpp Heon Seong, Jong Won Kang
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(1):77-102.
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In September 1994, residents of Gozan-dong, Incheon City, made a petition to the government about their health problems which might be caused by previous glass fibre landfill nearby "H" company. In February 1995, at regular academic meeting of occupational and environmental medicine, a research team of "D" University presented that they had found glass fibres in groundwater of the area through their survey. They were suspicious of probable association between ingestion of groundwater contaminated with glass fibres and skin tumors among residents. A joint research team was formed and carried out the survey of environment concerning groundwater and its glass fibre existence, and health assessment of residents in the area and industrial workers of "H" company during May to November, 1995. Analysis of groundwater flow system indicates that the flow lines from the glass fibre landfill pass through or terminate at the 6 houses around the landfill. This means that the groundwater of the 6 houses around the glass fibre landfill could be affected by some possible contaminants from the landfill, but the groundwater quality of the other houses was irrelevant to the landfill. The qualitative and quatitative analyses for glass fibres in 54 groundwater samples including those from the nearby 6 houses, were carried out using SEM equipped with EDS, resulting in no evidence for the presence of glass fibres in the waters. Major precipitates, formed in waters while boiling, were identified as calcium carbonates, in particulary, aragonites in needle form. The results of health assessments of 889 residents in Gozan-dong, participated in this study, showed statistically significant differences in past medical histories of skin tumor and respiratory disease between the exposed group (31 persons who inhabited in 6 houses around the landfill) and the control group, but no significant differences in past medical histories of other diseases, such as cancer mortality, current gastroscopic findings, current skin diseases and respiratory diseases, etc. Also, we could not prove any glass fibres in excised specimens of 9 skin tumors in both groups and there were no health problems possibly associated with glass fibres in employees of the "H" company. After all, we could not authenticate the association, raised by prior investigators, between groundwater streams, assumedly contaminated with glass fibres or not, and specific disease morbidities or common disease/symptom prevalences. That is, we could not find any glass fibres in groundwater as the only exposure factor of this study hypothesis, and there were not enough certain evidences such as increasing disease prevalences, for examples, skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases etc, possibly related to glass fibre exposure, in exposed group. As a matter of course, the conditions for confirming causal association, for example, strength of the association, consistency of the association, specificity of the association, temporality of the association and dose-response relationship etc, have not been satisfied. In conclusion, we were not able to certify the hypothesis that contamination of groundwater with glass fibres might cause any hazardous health effects in human who used it for drinking.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health