- A study on Performing Time of Neurobehavioral Test in Workers exposed to Organic Solvents.
Kang Won Park, In Geun Park, Jin Ha Kim, Kang Woo Bae, Duk Hee Lee, Yong Hawn Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(1):171-180.
- This study was performed to see whether neurobehavioral tests was affected by the exposure-free time in the workers chronically exposed to organic solvents. Thirty-four female workers were participated and four items among neurobehavioral core test battery of World Health Organization, including digit span, Santa Ana Dexterity, digit symbol, Benton Visual Retention, were administered to the workers. Test was conducted three times-preshift on Monday, preshift on Weekday and during shift on Weekday-per person and the interval of tests was 2 weeks. Digit span forward, Santa Ana Dexterity, digit symbol, and Benton Visual Retention showed significant decrements by performing time, especially during shift on Weekday versus preshift on Monday and preshift on Weekday. In addition, the score at preshift on Weekday was significantly lower than preshift on Monday, in preferred Santa Ana Dexterity and digit symbol. Generally, those who were exposed to high concentration, over 50 years and under 6 years of education showed marked decrease of score at during shift. So, it would be desirable that neurobehavioral test is conducted at preshift on Monday and items related to short term memory could be considerable to be done at preshift on Weekday.
- Exposed level of workers in the factory next to a led recycling factory.
Jin Ha Kim, Duk Hee Lee, Yong Hwan Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(3):693-700.
- The purpose of this study was to determine whether workers at a factory next to a lead recycling factory in Pusan, were affected by lead contamination. The mean air lead concentration of lead recycling factory was 0.21mg/m3(TWA=0.05mg/m3). Thirty-nine male workers of Factory A, Cr. plating factory next to the lead recycling factory were exposed group and a comparison group, 62 male workers of Factory B were selected from another Cr. plating factory about 8.5km away from lead recycling factory. Air lead concentration of each workplace was checked for 4 times from August 5 to August 20 in 1995 by low volume air sampler. Each subject was interviewed about age, life-style, smoking, work history, and residence etc, and venous blood was drawn for lead measurement by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. We have observed that air lead concentration and blood lead concentration of Factory A was higher than Factory B(2.6 +/- 1.6 Vs. 1.2 +/- 0.2 microgram/m3, 14.9 +/- 1.6 Vs. 12.2 +/- 1.6 microgram/dl). We believe that other environmental lead sources such as transportation and residence did not affect air lead and blood lead concentration differences of both factory. We concluded that high air lead and blood lead concentration of Factory A were caused by lead contamination generated by the neighboring lead recycling factory.
- Neurobehavioral Changes according to Cumulative Exposure of Complex Organic Solvents.
Duk Hee Lee, In Geun Park, Jin Ha Kim, Young Hawn Lee, Sung Gye Kang, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):386-397.
- A cross sectional study was performed to evaluate the neurobehavioral effects of chronic exposure of complex organic solvents, using NCTB(Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery) recommended by WHO(World Health organization). Forty female shoe factory workers and twenty-two controls matched with age were participated. The tests were performed in the morning before start of work, to exclude the effects of acute exposure. Workers were exposed mainly to toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, n-hexane, cyclo-hexane, dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, benzene, xylenes etc. The ranges of present solvent exposure of hygienic effect were 0.46~0.71 in the process using adhesives indirectly, and 1.83-2.39 in the process using it directly. We reclassified the subjects, according to cumulative exposure. It showed significantly poorer performances in high exposed group on Santa Ana Dexterity and Benton visual Retention, compared with control group. After controlling confounder, the significances were still remained. But, further cohort studies, having the information of personal exposure dose from entering a factory, are required to clarify the effects of chronic exposure of complex organic solvents in relation to dose and duration of exposure.
- Blood Lead Level and Intelligence among Children.
Duk Hee Lee, Yong Hwan Lee, Jin Ha Kim, In Geun Park, Tae Young Han, She Han Jang
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):373-385.
- The association between blood lead children and Intelligent Quotient(IQ) was investigated in a sample of l00 boys and girls aged 6-8 years from one primary school within an industrial area of Pusan. The trained undergraduates in school of public health administered an I.Q. test one by one. Parents answered a questionnaire on demographic, perinatal and socioeconomic variables. Atomic Absorbtion spectrophotometer was used to determine blood lead levels. The geometric mean of blood lead value was 7.99 microgram/dl. In total children, there was no significant relationship between blood lead level and I.Q. But in the children who were born of gestational age of less than 38 weeks, children with higher levels of blood lead performed more poorly on I.Q. test with correlation coefficient from -0.68 to -0.71. But, the children who were born of gestational age of 38 weeks and more were same as total children. These results suggest that exposure to low levels of lead in the children who were born premature probably may result in impaired intelligent development. But, we think that more profound study should be performed with sufficient numbers of subjects.
- Neurobehavioral Change on the Lead Exposure Workersq.
In Geun Park, Duk Hee Lee, Yong Hwan Lee, Jin Ha Kim, She Han Jang
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(1):175-186.
- No abstract available.