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Ik Han Che 1 Article
The Bacteriological Survey of the Main Streams in Kyong-Ju City: on Samonellae.
Ik Han Che
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(2):268-275.
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The studies on the standard plate count, most probable number(MPN) and isolation of the Enterobacteriaceae, especially Salmonella species from stream waters of Kyong-Ju city were carried out from June to July, 1988. The relationship between water temperature, weather and standard plate count were observed. The locations where all of the MPN was higher than 1,600 were Mun-chon bridge, Wol-song bridge, Go-hun bridge and the area adjoining the Hyong-san river. The higher the water temperature, the more the viable counts without rain. Bacteriological survey of the Salmonella species was performed with the total 80 specimens isolated from 16 areas which are the main streams in Kyong-Ju city. The author identified 5 strains(2.36%) of Salmonella typhi, 5 strains(2.3%) of Salmonella paratyphi, 2 strains(1.42%) of Salmonella paratyphi B, 63 strains(29.72%) of other Salmonella groups by biochemical tests and serotyping tests with slide agglutination.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health