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Adang Bachtiar 1 Article
HIV-related Perceptions, Knowledge, Professional Ethics, Institutional Support, and HIV/AIDS-related Stigma in Health Services in West Sumatra, Indonesia: An Empirical Evaluation Using PLS-SEM
Vivi Triana, Nursyirwan Effendi, Brian Sri Pra Hastuti, Cimi Ilmiawati, Dodi Devianto, Afrizal Afrizal, Adang Bachtiar, Rima Semiarty, Raveinal Raveinal
J Prev Med Public Health. 2024;57(5):435-442.   Published online July 15, 2024
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The aim of this study was to investigate the significance of associations between knowledge, professional ethics, institutional support, perceptions regarding HIV/AIDS, and HIV/AIDS-related stigma among health workers in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
We conducted a cross-sectional study involving health workers at public hospitals and health centers in West Sumatra in June 2022. The Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale was employed to assess the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS. To estimate and evaluate the model’s ability to explain the proposed constructs, we utilized the standardized partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM).
In total, 283 individuals participated in this study (average age, 39 years). The majority were female (91.2%), nearly half were nurses (49.5%), and 59.4% had been working for more than 10 years. The study revealed that HIV/AIDS-related stigma persisted among health workers. The PLS-SEM results indicated that all latent variables had variance inflation factors below 5, confirming that they could be retained in the model. Knowledge and professional ethics significantly contributed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related stigma, with an effect size (f²) of 0.15 or greater. In contrast, perceived and institutional support had a smaller impact on HIV-related stigma, with an effect size (f²) of at least 0.02. The R 2 value for health worker stigma was 0.408, suggesting that knowledge, professional ethics, institutional support, and perceived support collectively explain 40.8% of the variance in stigma.
Improving health workers’ understanding of HIV, fostering professional ethics, and strengthening institutional support are essential for reducing HIV-related stigma in this population.
Key Message
This study explores the relationships between HIV knowledge, professional ethics, institutional support, perceptions of HIV/AIDS, and HIV/AIDS-related stigma among healthcare workers in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Using a PLS-SEM model, the analysis reveals that HIV knowledge and professional ethics significantly reduce HIV-related stigma, while the effects of perceptions and institutional support are less pronounced. The model explains 40.8% of the variance in stigma, highlighting the critical role of improving HIV knowledge, fostering ethical conduct, and strengthening institutional support. These findings suggest that comprehensive strategies addressing these factors are essential to reducing HIV/AIDS stigma in healthcare settings.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health